English colonization in Australia

  • The war of independance

    The war of independance
    The Americans wanted independance and to become a republic.
  • Period: to


  • End of the war of independance

    End of the war of independance
    The war of independance ended, leaving america a republic.
  • govenor phillip departs from England

    govenor phillip departs from England
    Govenor phillip, his crew and all the convicts set off for Australia in need of space for more convicts, a place to grow crops and so they could trade to countries near Australia.
  • the first fleet arive in Australia

    the first fleet arive in Australia
    govenor phillip and his crew arrive in Australia.
  • England colonise in Australia

    England colonise in Australia
    England colonise Australia and calles the country theirs.
  • women convics came ashore

    women convics came ashore
    The first women convicts came ashore to Australia.
  • First execution in Australia

    First execution in Australia
    Thomas Barratt was executed for stealing from stores.
  • The Blue Mountains was named

    The Blue Mountains was named
    The Blue Mountains were sighted and named by an exploring party led by Phillip.
  • The rum Rebellion

    The rum Rebellion
    The Rum Rebelion started.
  • The Rum Rebellion ends

    The Rum Rebellion ends
    The Rum Rebellion ends after ten years.
  • Permission to change from New Holland to Australia.

    Permission to change from New Holland to Australia.
    Permission was granted to change the name of New Holland to Australia.
  • New zealand is now not part of Australia

    New zealand is now not part of Australia
    New Zealand is proclaimed a seperate colony.
  • Australian gold rush

    Australian gold rush
    Australians stuck gold at Ballarat. Soon people from all countries came to seek their fortune.
  • The Eureka Rebellion

    The Eureka Rebellion
    The Eureka Rebellion starts after a murder outside a hotel.
  • trains go to each state

    trains go to each state
    Now you can go to other states without having to get of at the border because of different sizes of train line.
  • Australian flag

    Australian flag
    The Australian flag was flown for the first time.
  • Australia becomes a federation

    Australia becomes a federation
    Australia becomes a federation so now each colony(state) can govern in their own righta as part of the commonweath of Australia.
  • the Australian flag was designed

    the Australian flag was designed
    The Australian flag was designed after a competition to make the flag.
  • the Myall Creek massacre

    the Myall Creek massacre
    30 aboriginals were killed by ten white people and one african near Bingara in Northen New South Wales.
  • the industrial revolution

    the industrial revolution
    the industrial revolution starts.