English civil war

English Civil War

  • 1625

    Charles I was crowned as king. He was extremely religious and believed god had chosen him to become king
  • 1642

    The fighting and war began over the need to create an army. The King tried to arrest the 5 leaders of parliament but they had escaped.
  • 1642

    The war is compared to a dog fight between Roundhead and Cavalier. These were terms of abuse used by the opposite sides
  • 1644

    Parliament began to win. The where winning fight after fight
  • 1646

    The war ended after King Charles I surrendered. It began again because the king persuaded the Scotts to be on his side
  • 1649

    King Charles was put to trial and in the end he was beheaded. The English people where left with no monarchy
  • 1651

    The Scots tried to invade to try and put Charles I son, Charles II on the throne. When failed Charles return to France
  • 1653

    Cromwell was made Lord Protector of England, equivalent to a King. He was only on the throne for 5 years before he died
  • 1660

    Charles II returned. He was then crowned King.