600 BCE
The Celts
The Celts were the first tribe to arrive in the UK more than 2500 years ago. They bring the first languages in the British Isles, the languages were: the Celtic, Welsh and Scottish Gaelic. Some words: Seagull, Whisky and Penguin. -
55 BCE
The Romans
The Romans were the second tribe to arrive, and they bring the Latin. They gave Latin names to places and some of these names are still used today. Some words: Cities, Castles, roads and walls -
The Anglo-saxons
The Anglo-saxons were the third tribe to arrive, they were the first people who spoke English, more especificaly the old english. Some words:Love, good, child, green and three. -
The vikings
The Vikings were the fourth to arribe, the Vikings came from countries like Denmark and
Norway. Some words: Leg, skirt, skin, egg and eye. -
The Normans
The Normans were the fifth tribe to arrive, they spoke "old french" in that moment the lenguage of prestige there.
Some words: Bacon, flower, joy, justice and beef.