Autistic Thinking
Bleuler saw autistic symptomatology as a behavior of detachment from reality, a pathological predominance of the inner life. Directed by affective needs but with the use of fragmented and accidental connections, perceiving a fantasy world as real. -
Autistic Psychopathy
Hans Asperger
Distinguishes a group of children who presented similar characteristics, identified as PERSONALITY DISORDER, which implied a complex educational challenge. -
Early Childhood Autism
Leo Kanner refers to a picture of early onset with a profound affectation of functioning and a lack of interest in the external world. Autism is not a disease, but rather a developmental disorder of brain functions. -
They demonstrated the usefulness of operant methods of behavior modification for the treatment of AUTISM. "...behavior can be modified and when controlled, functional learning processes are promoted."
Autism Spectrum Disorder, Wing's triad
Social reciprocity disorder, verbal and nonverbal communication disorder, and lack of symbolic ability and imaginative behavior.- Lorna Wing
Acquisition of a second language
Stephen Krashen proposed the L2 acquisition model to understand and explain second language acquisition. This model is built from principles that make a distinction between the acquisition and learning of language, emphasizing comprehension and not production, among others. -
Discover a specific inability of autistic people to "attribute mind".
Behavioral symptoms include hyperactivity, impulsivity, aggressiveness, self-injurious behavior, short attention span.
Baron-Cohen, Leslie y Frith