
  • 603 BCE

    The countries that make up the United Kingdom

    The United Kingdom is made up of: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
  • 602 BCE

    The languages spoken in the United Kingdom

    The official language is English but some people too speak Scots, Whelsh, or Punjabi
  • 601 BCE

    The tribes who lived in the British isles.

  • 600 BCE


    The celts who lift in the british isles spoke welsh and Scottish Gaelic .
    They come from central Europe 600 bC
  • 430


    The Jutes arrived in England around the year 430. They came from the Jutland peninsula, which is Denmark today.
  • 450


    The Anglo-Saxons came to England in the year 450, they were the first people who spoke old english.
  • 800


    The Vikings invaded Britain in the year 800. They came from Denmark and Norway and spoke old Norwegian and Danish.
  • 1066


    The Normans arrived in England in 1066 they came from normandy in france and spoke old French, which was a high status language.
  • 1400

    The three phases of the evolution of the English language.

    Old English developed from Germanic which was the mother tongue. Then it changed through the centuries and became middle English which was spoken between the 12th and the 15th centuries. Later, it changed into Modern English which includes Shakespeare's era and it goes on until now.
  • The most important events in the history of the English language.

    We know books in English dated in the 9th century, but they were first published in 1476. There are very important authors in old english like Chaucer and also in modern English like William Shakespeare.