
By AlvinoP
  • India

    In the 17th century the current quen of the United states Quen Elizabeth I started the East Indian Company to make it posible for the UK to trade with the Indians in Calcutta which is the capital of India. India was a big country in trading becuse they had many natural resources. The Indian sales men had to have a way to comunicate with the sailors from England and therefore created two simplified english laguages wich is a mix of their own language and English.
  • Caribbean

    In the 17th centrury the triangle trade was active. It was a trading route wich began in the UK and ended in the Caribbean. This route was made to buy and deliver slaves from Africa to Caribbean where they where sold to rich owners of big plantages. This started a language called Creole which was a simplified verision of English used to comunicate between the sailors and the slaves.
  • Australia

    A fleet containing criminals who has ben kicked out of the United states arived to Australia and took their language along with them. They tried to get rid of the British accent which resulted in the wierd Australian accents we hear today.