British flag

England's Timeline

By priyad
  • Sep 26, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    Magna Carta signed, which limited the king's power.
  • Sep 26, 1532


    Reformation occurred and the Church of England was established, leaving a deep scar in the country.
  • 1600's-1800's

    Between the 1600s and 1800s, England was an imperial power, having colonies around the world.
  • 1642-1660

    Civil War, caused by the divisions of Anglicans and Puritans, and restoration occurred.
  • 1688-1689

    Glorious revolution marked the understanding that the king could be Anglican and accountable to Parliament.
  • Early 1700's

    Early 1700's
    The Act of Settlement regularized procedures for succession. During this time period, the prime minister also emerged.
  • 1832

    The Great Reform Act was passed, showing that Britain's elite was willing to adopt to change.
  • 1867

    The Second Reform Act was passed, which doubled the size of the electorate.
  • 1911

    In 1911, the House Of Lords was reformed again, marking the final step in the evoultion of British parliamentary democracy.
  • 1926

    In 1926, the Trades Union Congress held a general strike, and their frustrations were channeled through the Labour Party.
  • 1929

    The Great Depression hit Britain with both political and economic consequences. There was no clear majority in the parliament and the weak parties, Labour and Conservative, failed to ease the country's economic woes.
  • 1942

    In 1942, the Beveridge Report was issued, calling for a social insurance program.
  • 1945-1970's

    The time of the collectvist consensus, in which there was cross-party British support for the welfare state.
  • 1948

    National Health Service established the foundation of the welfare state.
  • 1979

    Conservative Party leader, Margaret Thatcher, becomes the Prime Minister and beings working towards a more privatized market.
  • 1997

    Labour Party leader Tony Blair is elected prime minister, finally ending the losing streak of the Labour Party and becoming the younest prime minister since 1812.
  • 2007

    After a series of suspected terrorist attacks in such major locations such as London and the Glasgow International Airport, the threat level was raised to “critical,” the highest level out of 5.
  • 2010

    Conservative Party wins the elections, ENDING THE 13 YEAR RULED OF THE Labour Party and allowing David Cameron to become the new prime minister.