Jan 26, 1066
The battle of hastings
william got a lucky shot at harold and became king of england and defeated the saxons -
Jan 26, 1167
oxford university
in 1167 the university of oxford was founded -
Jan 26, 1283
king edward conqures Wales
in 1283 king edward conqured wales in his victory of triumph -
Jan 26, 1296
king edward conqures Scottland
in 1296 king edward conqured scottland in his war to try to unite all of england -
Jan 26, 1337
king edward claims France -
Feb 26, 1337
after king edward died the frnch revolted from the english and the hundred year war began -
Jan 26, 1338
Black Death
a plague that spreaded throughout the eourpe contentnet killed 1/3 of the english poplation -
Jan 26, 1455
the war of roses
in 1455 a civil war broke out and the nation divided into 2 known as the red rose and the the hite rose which is why its called the war of roses -
Jan 26, 1457
french are defeated
the english defeated the french and the hundred year war ends -
human hominids
The territory that now constitutes England, a country within the United Kingdom, was inhabited by hominids 800,000 years ago as the discovery of flint tools at Happisburgh in Norfolk has revealed.[1] The earliest evidence for early modern humans in North West Europe is a jawbone discovered in Devon at Kents Cavern in 1927, which was re-dated in 2011 to between 41,000 and 44,000 years old.