Jan 17, 1016
The Danish king Canute conquered England
Jan 17, 1042
King Edward the Confessor took throne
Jan 17, 1066
King Edward died without heir which lead to corruption
This caused chaos and like said before it caused corroption in the government. -
Jan 17, 1066
William is the duke of Normandy who invaded England after King Edward the Confessor died.
Oct 14, 1066
the Battle of Hastings between the Normans and Anglo- Saxons
Period: Jan 17, 1154 to Jan 17, 1189
King Henry II ruled
Jan 17, 1155
King Henry II married Eleanor of Aquaitaine
Period: Jan 17, 1189 to Jan 17, 1199
Richard the Lionhearted was the king of the Third Crusade
Period: Jan 17, 1199 to Jan 17, 1216
When Richard died, his younger brother John took the throne. John ruled
Jun 15, 1215
Creation of the Magna Carta
Nov 17, 1295
knights, burgesses, bishops, and lords met together at Westminister in London (now called the Model Parliament)
Period: Jan 1, 1300 to Jan 1, 1400
House of Lords and House of Commons is created
Britain was battered by fierce raids of Danish Vikings
Small Anglo-Saxon kingdoms covered Britain at this time as well. -
Period: to
Alfred the Great, Anglo-Saxon king managed to turn back the Viking invaders.
rom 871 to 899,