
  • 450

    Roman rule

    Roman rule in Britain ended
  • Jan 31, 1016

    the throne

    King Canute of Denmark took the throne of England.
    He was a wise ruler, but his sons were weak.
  • Jan 31, 1066

    Duke William

    -William the Conqueror was soon crowned.
    -He ruled from 1066-1087
    -He shaped England's feudal system
  • Jan 31, 1154

    Henry II

    Made important contributions to England's legal system
    increased royal authority
  • Control over England

    The kings of Wessex controlled almsot all of England. Viking raiders from the north (Danes) challenged the rule of Wessex and overran most of England.
  • Alfred the Great

    • Alfred the Great came to the throne to drive the Danes from the island.
    • He made a temporary peace after being defeated by the Danes. * He spent the next five years building a powerful army and a fleet of fighting ships.
  • Alfred attacks

    Alfred attacked the Danes.
  • Sues for peace

    • The Danes sued for peace.
    • Treaty was formed
  • stronger country

    • Alfred won back more land from Danes
    • unified the country
    • Strengthened country
    • spread Christianity