
Engineering Design Process to a Mature Technology Planes

  • Physics of Aviation

    Physics of Aviation
    Sir George Cayley set forth the concept of the modern aeroplane as a fixed-wing flying machine with separate systems for lift, propulsion, and control
  • First Glider

    First Glider
    George Cayley created the first glider capable of carrying a human
  • First Monoplane

    Felix du Temple created the first monoplane with a tailfin and retractable undercarriage
  • Planophore

    Alphonse Penaud flew the first aerodynamically stable fixed-wing aeroplane, a model monoplane he called the "Planophore"
  • Aerodrome

    The first actual machine capable of sustained flight, created by Samuel Pierpont Langley
  • Wright Flyer

    Wright Flyer
    The Wright brothers create the first plane that is both powered, controlled, and capable of holding a person
  • Demoiselle No 19

    Created by Santos-Dumont it added the invention of ailerons and became the world's first series production aircraft. The Demoiselle achieved 120 km/h
  • Between WW1 and WW2

    Airplanes evolved from low-powered biplanes made from wood and fabric to sleek, high-powered monoplanes made of aluminum
  • Heinkel He 178

    The first jet aircraft to fly
  • de Havilland Comet

    de Havilland Comet
    The first commercial jet airliner, created in Britain
  • Commercial Flight

    The Boeing 707 and DC-8 which established new levels of comfort, safety and passenger expectations, ushered in the age of mass commercial air travel, dubbed the Jet Age.
  • Digital Age

    There is no longer a focus on distance or sustainability and there is more focus on improving what we have. technology continually improves and is added to make flight safer and more comfortable