
  • Mar 22, 1260

    Hand Cannon

    Hand Cannon
    Hand cannons were used as early as 13th century. The first people to use hand cannons were the Chinese.
  • Nov 12, 1326

    Flintlock Pistol

    Flintlock Pistol
    The first reliable hand held gun. It works by igniting gunpowder with a spark from a piece of flint, thus the name flintlock. The man that invented the flintlock was Marin le Bourgeoys.
  • Blunderbluss

    First form of a shotgun. Barrel loaded firearm that was used to clear areas of enemy soldiers quickly. Fired multiple bullets with one pull of the trigger.
  • Colt Revolver

    Colt Revolver
    The colt revolver is known as the gun that "won the west." The Colt set the standard for excellence in gun making at the time. Today the Colt is a collector's item.
  • Henry Repeating Rifle

    Henry Repeating Rifle
    Fires a .44 caliber rimfire round. Was used widely in the civiol war and with cowboys in the wild west.
  • M1895 Colt-Browning Machine Gun

    M1895 Colt-Browning Machine Gun
    The firs gas operated machine gun that saw military action. It fired 450 rounds per minute. The gun changed the way wars were fought.
  • M1911 pistol

    M1911 pistol
    The first effective semi-automatic pistol. The pistol became the standard military sidearm in the 1990s and is still in action today. It comes in 45 caliber and holds 7+1 rounds.
  • M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle

    M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle
    The BAR was a very effective automatic rifle. It changed the way the WW1 was fought. The gun instilled fear into the enemy soldiers and kept them down in their trenches.
  • M1 Garand

    M1 Garand
    The M1 Garand replaced the bolt action Springfield rifle. The military used the Garand for many years in the military.
  • M14

    Served as a military rifle from 1959 to present. Was used as the first semi-automatic sniper rifle. The M14 had exceptional range and accuracy for being a semi-automatic rifle.
  • Barrett M82

    Barrett M82
    Fires the 50 caliber rounds over a mile away. Developed to pierce enemy armor at extreme long distances. Has the ability to pierce tank armor.
  • M4 Carbine

    M4 Carbine
    First standard assault rifle that the military adopted. Fires .223 caliber rounds and has a 30 round clip. In 2009 the military bought the design and vastly improved the rifle.