Timeline of important Robot events

By Emilsb2
  • 3500 BCE

    Greek myth the first robot

    A greek myth about how the intelligent robot Talos protected the island of Crete.
  • 350 BCE

    Chinese engineer King-shu tse

    Chinese engineer King-shu tse creates a mechanical bird and horse.
  • 1206

    AI-Jazari book

    AI-Jazari book
    AI-Jazari creates a book called "the book of knowledge of ingenious mechanical devices" This books describes an automated girl that poured drinks and other robots.
  • Jan 1, 1495

    Leonardo Da Vinci

    Leonardo Da Vinci
    Leonardo Da Vinci creates a mechanical robot that can move.
  • Nikola Tesla

    Nikola Tesla
    Nikola Tesla creates a remote-controlled boat
  • Alan Turing computer

    Alan Turing computer
    Alan Turing a British scientist creates the first computer. under the second world war, it is used to crack the German enigma code.
  • First AI

    First AI
    John McCarthy and Marvin Minsky start the Artificial Intelligence LAB at M.I.T
  • LEGO Mindstorm

    LEGO Mindstorm
    LEGO creates LEGO Mindstorm which is a Robotics system you can play with and make your own robots.
  • NASA Pathfinder

    NASA Pathfinder
    NASA Pathfinder is the first robot on Mars.
  • Boston Dynamics

    Boston Dynamics
    Boston Dynamics creates a robot that runs and looks like a big dog.