Definition: an ideal community or perfect society. Example sentence: They lived in a utopia, where everything was perfect and no problems occured. Antonyms: Dystopia, problem, disorganized -
Definition: the act of following others or doing what others do in order to fit in with them. Example sentence: All the other girl were wearing purple shirts, so Suzie conformed and wore a purple shirt too. Antonyms: Independant, unique, different -
Definition: to discipline or punish. Example: The teacher had to chastise the student after cheating on a test. Antonyms: Reward -
Definiton: huge in size or extent; immense. Example: I looked out and was amazed by the vast land. Antonyms: Small, tiny, mini -
Definition: a memory of an event. Example: I had a recollection about the fun I had last weekend while I was sitting at my desk doing homework. Antonyms: Forget, unclear -
Definition: uneasy or fearful about something that might happen. Example: I began to get an apprehensive feeling as the teacher starting to raise her voice. Antonyms: calm, easy, fearless