
ENG-239 timeline of readings in context

By JDye
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony Founded

    Massachusetts Bay Colony Founded
    The Puritains fleeing religous persectuion in Europe arrive and set up camp, joining the various nations colonies.
  • Declaration of Independence signed

    Declaration of Independence signed
    We are now U.S.
  • Period: to

    Walt Whitman

  • The Indian Removal Act

    The Indian Removal Act
    This was the law that allowed Andrew Jackson to remove indians from "federal" land and move them to reservations.
  • Period: to

    Emily Dickenson

  • Litereary Realism

    Litereary Realism
    I just picked a date in the 1830s to use here, This was the idea of writing things as they were. Twain is one of the most famous to use the style. Basically he wanted to keep people and places as they really were there. The introduction of a writen vocal style is an example of this.
    Over time the tenants of this style moved to further down the line of slowy morphed into naturalism.
  • Period: to

    Mark Twain

    (Samuel Langhorn Clemens)
  • The (First) Industrial revolution ends

    The (First) Industrial revolution ends
    This image is fitting in that it captures the work and growth of the burgeoning industrial age. This juggernaut of change lead to the changes is social strata and demographics we see reflected in later works such as Maggie and Sister Carrie.
    • The date listed was the "end" point of the Industrial revolution as many saw it. The start is guestimated to be somewhere around 1760.
  • Period: to

    Henry James

  • Free soil movement founded

    Free soil movement founded
    This was a political group that sought to prevent slavery in any new terriroies of the US. This was a reflection of growing sentiment that all men free and working is beneficial to all. It was also a great reason to work against slavery.
  • Period: to

    Kate Chopin

  • Period: to

    Booker T Washington

  • Darwinism

    I bring darwinism up for a couple of reasons. First, Darwin slowly brought about or at least drew attention to a growing scientific bent in American Society at the time. Second, Darwins ideas lead to the principal of social darwinism, a theme we have long see in literature.
  • Period: to

    Charlotte Perkins Gilman

  • The Reconstruction Era

    The Reconstruction Era
    The Reconstruction ara started in 1863 and lasted untill 1877. This era was hallmarked by the focus on rebuilding the south economically and as part of the union as well as to establish the newfound rights of southern former slaves.
  • The Emancipation Proclimation

    The Emancipation Proclimation
    I already have the Civil War listed, and this is really just part of it but I wanted to mention this for another reason. I know it might be a symptom of the limited scope what what we have read so far during this course, but to my mind it seems as if shortly after this, we have a boom and then a bust in the inclusion african american characters in these works. It is almost like they go the scoial way of the indians in a literary sense.
  • The Gilded Age

    The Gilded Age
    This "age" lasted untill 1918 with a couple pitfalls here and there. The driver behind the guilded age was industrializaion. Under the gilded exterior of the cityes there was decay and dispair. There was a quote by an Irish immagrant I find summs up the gilded age well. I was told the streets here were paved with gold, upon arriving I found out that not only are they not paved but I am expected to pave them.
  • The End of the American Civil War

    The End of the American Civil War
    Few events in American History have had nearly the impact that the Civil War did in nearly all aspects of life. Walt Whitman famously joined as a nurse and in his writings over the course of the war you can see the slow incideous degridation of his enthuasm for his role and he persective on the war. This war cast a pall over the lives of almost all involved.
  • The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calavarous County Published

    The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calavarous County Published
    This story was Twain's launchpad into the public awareness.
  • Period: to

    Theodore Dreiser

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    Stephen Crane

    I could not help but wonder if Crane could be seen as something of an anceistor to the moder "emo" social mentality. In his short story "An Experiement in Mistery" I was rather amusined by the line "he felt that there could no longer be plesure in life. He looked about him searching for for an outcast of highest degree that they two might share miseries..."
    This line evokes a strong image, and at the same time reminds me of some people I knew in highschool...
  • Period: to

    Willa Cather

  • Daisy Miller Published

    Daisy Miller Published
  • Exodus of 1879

    Exodus of 1879
    This was the mass migration of African Americans post emancipation to Kansas for land.
  • The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn published ( at last )

    The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn published ( at last )
    This book was one of Twain's on again, off again projects.
  • Song of myself Published

    Song of myself Published
    This was actually seen first in 1856 as "Poem of Walt Whitman; An American"
  • The Yellow Wallpaper Published

    The Yellow Wallpaper Published
  • Desieres Baby Published

    Desieres Baby Published
  • Maggie: A Girl of the Street published

    Maggie: A Girl of the Street published
    This story does not get enough love. Google books has this listed with a whopping 1.5 star rating! ( on a 5 star scale) I think it well convays the "hopeless and hollow" feeling of the lower classes in the era.
  • The Economic Panic of 1893

    The Economic Panic of 1893
    The worst economic depression the US had ever seen up to that point. Recovery was seen in 1897 but was short lived, only lasting untill 1907. This event was worked into its own broadway show called " the War of Wealth"
  • The Temperance Movement

    The Temperance Movement
    The Temperance movment in a minute and a halfThis was actually the 3rd wave of the social temperance movement in the United States, the first being in the late 18th century and the second comprising most of the the mid 19th century. This movement empowered women to stand up for change, eventually leading the 1919 passing of the 18th ammendment. We can understand why they might want to support such a movement after seeing the state of nearly everyone in Maggie: A girl of the streets.
  • The Evolution of Women's Roles

    The Evolution of Women's Roles
    VIDEO - The 19th Century Women: Private and Public Spheres I picked a year in the range here between The Yellow Wallpaper and Sister Carrie as they exemplify the point I am trying make. The roles of women were changing at this time. We are on a slow progression from the "Husbands property" view of the wife. We were slightly passed the "for domestic use only" lable, and not quite to the Flapper culture of the 20's. Women could work, and even leave the house on their own (oh my!) We see this shift between the afore mentioned two works.
  • The Spanish American War

    The Spanish American War
  • Sister Carrie Published

    Sister Carrie Published
    This peice was actually written in 1899 and first published in 1900. However the REAL version of this book was not really seen untill 1981. The version that made it to publication between 1900 and 1981 was an altered version pushed by the publishers.
  • Up from Slavery published

    Up from Slavery published
  • The Sculptor's Funeral published

    The Sculptor's Funeral published
  • A Rampant Popularizaion of Modernism in Art

    A Rampant Popularizaion of Modernism in Art
    The modern art movement was actually first seen as far back as the late 16th century. During the late 19th century it accelerated, and with social tension and perspective ripening it took off in the early 20th
  • Naturalism

    Yet again I picked a year, in this case midway through the listed period of naturalism's influence. This is the scucessor to Twains Realism, only taken one step further. Naturalism hold an almost journalist viewpoint, doing little more than observing the way that people circumstances affect their worlds.
  • "The Age of Synergy" ends

    "The Age of Synergy" ends
    This phrase was coined by Vaclav Smaill and referes to the period from 1867-1914. Basically this was a second industial revoltuion, focusing less on factory work and urbanization but on technical innovation. It was in this era that General Electric was churing out new inventions as fast people could buy them. This era ran through World War I.
  • WWI

    The era between the Civil War and WWI is reported as having been called " The Age of Mistake" By Henry James.
  • The October Revolution

    The October Revolution
    The October revolution or Bolshevik Revolution was a russain communuist workers uprising. There was a concern that the US might follow suite due to the working conditions and social condidtions in US cities of the era.
  • Jim Crow Laws finnally put to bed

    I put the here because at this point, while we have not read anything up until this point in that time frame, with the removal of secgrigation, now white kids and african american kids will be schooling in the same place, and aftrican american people can shop in the same stores a white people, expanding the literarary selections avalable to both parties.
  • ENG 239 MidTerm

    ENG 239 MidTerm