Period: Jun 1, 1484 to Jul 18, 1566
Bartolomé de las Casas
Period: Jun 1, 1488 to Jun 1, 1558
Cabeza de Vaca
Jun 1, 1542
Casas published "A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies"
Jun 1, 1542
Cabeza de Vaca writings
Period: to
John Winthrop
Born in Edwardstone, Suffolk, England John Winthrop Wiki -
Period: to
Roger Williams
Period: to
Anne Bradstreet
Period: to
Mary Rowlandson
Period: to
Edward Taylor
Roger Williams published "A Key into the Language of America"
Period: to
Cotton Mather
Born in Boston, Massachusetts Cotton Mather Wiki -
Mary Rowlandson wrote "A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson"
Anne Bradstreet published "Before the Birth of One of Her Children"
Edward Taylor published "Huswifery"
Period: to
Johnathan Edwards
Period: to
Benjamin Franklin
Period: to
John Adams
Born in Braintree Massachusetts Bay John Adam's Wiki -
Jonathan Edwards preached "Sinners in the Hands of an AngryGod"
Period: to
Abigail Adams
Born in Weymouth, Province of Massachusetts Bay Abigail Adam's Wiki -
Period: to
Phillis Wheatley
Born in Gambia, Senegal Wheatley's Wiki -
Period: to
John and Abigail Adams exchanged 1,100 letters
Phillis Wheatley wrote "To the King's Most Excellent Majesty"
Phillis Wheatley wrote "On Being Brought from Africa to America"
Phillis Wheatley wrote to George Washington
George Washington replies to Phillis Wheatley
Franklin published "Remarks concerning the Savages of North America"
Period: to
Washington Irving
Born in New York City, NY Washington Irving Wiki -
Period: to
James Fenimore Cooper
John Adams becomes 2nd President of the US
Period: to
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Born in Salem, Massachusetts Nathaniel Hawthorne Wiki -
Period: to
Edgar Allan Poe
Born in Boston, Massachusetts Edgar Allan Poe's Wiki -
Period: to
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Born in Litchfield, Connecticut Stowe's Wiki -
Period: to
Fanny Fern
Born in Portland, Maine Fanny Fern Wiki -
Period: to
Harriet Ann Jacobs
Born in Edenton, North Carolina Jacobs' Wiki -
Period: to
Frederick Douglass
Born in Talbot County, Maryland Douglass' Wiki -
Period: to
Herman Melville
Born in New York City, New York Melville Wiki -
Period: to
Emily Dickenson
Born in Amherst, Massachusetts. Dickinson's Wiki -
Fanny Fern published first article, "The Governess", in the Boston paper
Emily Dickenson's "A Valentine" is published
First known publication of Dickinson's poems -
Frederick Douglass published "What to the SLave is the Fourth of July"
Fanny Fern published "Fern Leaves from Fanny's Portfolio"
Fanny published a Children's book called "Little Ferns for Fanny's Little Friends"
Fanny Fern published "Ginger-Snaps"