Americas First Wind Turbine
In Cleveland Ohio, Charles Brush built the first electricity-generating wind turbine. Its tower was 60 feet tall and it could generate up to 12 kW of electricity.
http://enviosmau.com/trujillo2001/ServicesforWindFarm_files/sbrushm.jpeg -
"Lucas Gusher" Discovers Spindletop
Found by Anthony F. Lucas, the discovery of Spindletop was the start on the road to the modern oil industry.
https://farm7.staticflickr.com/6165/6169611171_973f75febd_z.jpg -
The Fuel for the Future
During the Great Depression (1930s), Henry Ford promoted ethyl alcohol as "the fuel for the future."
http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_bjqmGmHDb1w/SJXm7BcDihI/AAAAAAAAAu4/B23WV8qgKA4/s320/Ethanol+tetraethyl+lead.jpg -
Hydroelectric Power for the Southwest
Made during the Great Depression, the Hoover Dam was built on the Arizona-Nevada border and the largest Dan in the world at its time.
https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8576/16803092751_87bd7c9efe_b.jpg -
World War 2 Bombings
During WW2, the U.S chose to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki in order to make them surrender, which they did only after the second bombing. The death count totaled at 220,000.
http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120617212857/villains/images/4/4f/Hiirosima-Nagasaki_Nuclear_Bombing.jpg -
World’s First Full-scale Atomic Power Plant
The making of Shippingport Atomic Power Station was the first major atomic electric power plant in the world.
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c5/HD.15.019_%2811823864155%29.jpg/220px-HD.15.019_%2811823864155%29.jpg -
OPEC Oil Embargo
Arab members of the OPEC imposed an embargo against the United States during the Arab-Israeli War. This was due to the U.S's choice to re-supply the Israeli military and to have an edge in negotiations after the war. In oil dependent America, this was a challenge for the strength of the economy.
http://firststreetconfidential.com/images/images-history/0318-oil-embargo-1973.jpg -
First Solar Panel Farm
The Solar Energy Generating Systems in California is the worlds oldest and second largest solar power farm in the world.
http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_4rj_XdkCUhU/TSHK8pfC7WI/AAAAAAAAAjU/eZMfvh5RoQw/s1600/solar_panels113.JPG -
BP Oil Spill
The BP Oil Spill was the largest in history, leaking over 130 million gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico; in turn, wreaking havoc on the wildlife.
http://mediad.publicbroadcasting.net/p/kuar/files/201304/duck-oil-spill-web.jpg -
America's First Offeshore Wind Farm
America's first offshore wind farm has finally been built! It isn't up and running quite yet, but many are looking forward to the turning of turbines in the near future.