
Nuclear Energy Timeline

  • First Nuclear Reactor

    First Nuclear Reactor
    Experimental Breeder Reactor-1 (ERB-1) was created in the southeastern part of Idaho in Argonne National Laboratory by 16 scientists and engineeers. As shown here, the reactor could only power a string with 4, 100-watts light bulb.
  • Atomic Energy Act of 1954

    Atomic Energy Act of 1954
    U.S. Congress passed a legislation that allowed use of atomic energy in a peaceful manner.
  • Price-Anderson Nuclear Industries Indemnity Act of 1957

    Price-Anderson Nuclear Industries Indemnity Act of 1957
    The Price-Anderson Nuclear Industries Indemnity Act of 1957 was the act to deal with the problems of the Atomic Energy act because funding the build of these giant power plants would cost to much for the people to want to build and develop more nuclear technology.
  • First Commercial Nuclear Power Plant Opens

    First Commercial Nuclear Power Plant Opens
    The first nuclear power plant begins to be used and operated in Shippingport, Pennsylvania after Enrico Fermi released his theory about the first sustained nuclear reaction.
  • The Energy Reorganization Act

    The Energy Reorganization Act
    The Energy Reorganization Act was the act were they created the NRC A.K.A the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The NRC were the agents that looked out for the public's health.
  • Nuclear Accident in Pennsylvania

    Nuclear Accident in Pennsylvania
    A nuclear accident causes many of the residents in Pennsylvania to oppose nuclear energy.
  • 1st Decontamination and Decommissioning of Reactor

    1st Decontamination and Decommissioning of Reactor
    The first nuclear power plant in Shippingport, Pennsylvania was then retired in 1982 and was the first nuclear power plant with complete decontamination and decommissioning.
  • Largest Nuclear accident

    Largest Nuclear accident
    On April 26 1986, the largest Nuclear accident occurs on the 4th unit of the nuclear power station at chernobyl causing a huge surge of energy to explode and release mass amounts of radiation.
  • Nuclear test ban is signed

    Nuclear test ban is signed
    Nuclear test ban is signed by all of US,Russia,UK,UN,China,France. Unfortunately India refuses to sign the treaty.
  • North Korean Government

    North Korean Government
    The North Korean government announces that it has successfully conducted a nuclear test, becoming the eight country in the world to do so.
  • Earthquake hits Japan

    Earthquake hits Japan
    An Earthquake and tsunami crashed Japan’s northeastern coast, knocking out backup diesels generators needed to cool six reactors and spent fuel
  • US NRC Approves Two Nuclear Reactors to be built

    US NRC Approves Two Nuclear Reactors to be built
    The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission approved two new nuclear reactors to be built in Georgia since the year of 1978.