Energy Timeline

  • Period: to

    Energy Timeline

  • Solar Energy (year only)

    Solar Energy (year only)
    In 1838, Solar energy was discovered.
  • Water Heater (year only)

    Water Heater (year only)
    In 1868, the water heater was patented.
  • Telephone

    In 1876, the telephone was invented but was later patented in 1877.
  • Light Bulb (electric)

    Light Bulb (electric)
    This was invented by Thomas Edison.
  • Hydroelecticity (year only)

    Hydroelecticity (year only)
    In 1880, the free water jet turbine was invented.
  • Windmills (year only)

    Windmills (year only)
    This windmill was the first for electricity.
  • Electric Stove (year only)

    Electric Stove (year only)
    The inventor of the electric stove was copeman.
  • Air Conditioner (year only)

    Air Conditioner (year only)
    In 1902, Commercial air conditioning was invented.
  • Geothermal Energy Plant (year only)

    Geothermal Energy Plant (year only)
    In 1904, the first geothermal energy plant was invented.
  • Televison Signals

    Televison Signals
    In 1927, the first demonstrations of tv signals occured.