
Energy Timeline

  • First Coal Production in US

    First Coal Production in US
    The first commercial production of coal began from the mines around Richmond, Virginia. During the Revolutionary war, coal was used to create war materials such as shells. This event marks US's dependence on burning coal for energy
  • Electricity!

    In 1752, Ben Franklin conducted an experiment in which he tied a key to a kite string during a thunderstorm. In this experiment, he concluded that lightning is electricity.
  • First Electric Plant Built

    First Electric Plant Built
    At 3pm of September 4, 1882, turn on the switch to start up the first electric plant in the United States. He built the first commercial energy utility near Wall Street in New York.
  • First Windmill to Generate Electricity

    First Windmill to Generate Electricity
    Charles F. Brush developed the first windill to generate electricity in Cleveland, Ohio. The speed of the dynamo at full load is 500 revolutions per minute, however the normal capacity of it is 12,000 watts.
  • Geothermal Energy.

    Geothermal Energy.
    The woorld's first geothermal power plant was built in 1921 in California. John D. Grant drilled a geothermal well and ran a small direct-current generator in which he used to provide electricity and lighting for The Geysers resort. Although this marks a major sucess, low-cost and easier to develop energy resources proved to be more popular during this time.
  • Hoover Dam is built!

    Hoover Dam is built!
    In what would be the world's largest hydroelectric power plant at the time, Hoover Dam, was built on in 1935 on Colorado River in Arizona.
  • First Nuclear Power Reactor to Generate Electricity

    First Nuclear Power Reactor to Generate Electricity
    On this day, 16 scientist and engineers in Idaho showed their highest achievement in creating a nuclear power reactor that produced useful electricity for the first time.
  • Federal Involvement in Wind Energy Technology

    Federal Involvement in Wind Energy Technology
    1975 proved to be a remarkable year in energy history as the US federal government worked with the industry in developing large commercial wind turbines that pioneered many of the modern day multi-megawatt turbine technologies.
  • Act to Stimulate Development of Hydrogen Power

    Act to Stimulate Development of Hydrogen Power
    On January 23, Congress passed an act in order to reduce the nation's dependance on conventional fuels. This act advocated for the the development of hydrogen power as a primary source of energy.
  • National Biofuel Action Plan!

    National Biofuel Action Plan!
    National Biofuels Action Plan (NBAP) was a plan that developed in response to President Bush's plan to cut US gas consumption and promote the use of renewable and alternative fuel sources, and develop alternative fuel vehicles. This was a plan to help the development of a sustainable biofuels industry.