Energy Timeline

By DDC123
  • Michigan's Grand Rapids Electric Light and Power Company, generating electricity by dynamo, belted to a water turbine at the Wolverine Chair Factory, lit up 16 brush-arc lamps.

    Michigan's Grand Rapids Electric Light and Power Company, generating electricity by dynamo, belted to a water turbine at the Wolverine Chair Factory, lit up 16 brush-arc lamps.
  • Niagara Falls, city street lamps powered by hydropower.

    Niagara Falls, city street lamps powered by hydropower.
  • about 45 water-powered electric plants in the U.S. and Canada.

    about 45 water-powered electric plants in the U.S. and Canada.
  • San Bernardino, Ca., first hydroelectric plant in the west.

    San Bernardino, Ca., first hydroelectric plant in the west.
  • first Federal Water Power Act.

    first Federal Water Power Act.
  • 15% of electric generating capacity in U.S. was provided by hydropower.

    15% of electric generating capacity in U.S. was provided by hydropower.
  • 25% of U.S. electrical generation was by hydropower. 1920, Federal Power Act establishes Federal Power Commission authority to issue licenses for hydrodevelopment on public lands.

    25% of U.S. electrical generation was by hydropower. 1920, Federal Power Act establishes Federal Power Commission authority to issue licenses for hydrodevelopment on public lands.
  • Tennessee Valley Authority established.

    Tennessee Valley Authority established.
  • Bonneville Dam, first Federal dam, begins operation on the Columbia River

    Bonneville Dam, first Federal dam, begins operation on the Columbia River
  • 40% of electrical generation was hydropower.

    40% of electrical generation was hydropower.
    40% of electrical generation was hydropower.