Michigan's Grand Rapids Electric Light and Power Company, generating electricity by dynamo, belted to a water turbine at the Wolverine Chair Factory, lit up 16 brush-arc lamps.
Niagara Falls, city street lamps powered by hydropower.
about 45 water-powered electric plants in the U.S. and Canada.
San Bernardino, Ca., first hydroelectric plant in the west.
first Federal Water Power Act.
15% of electric generating capacity in U.S. was provided by hydropower.
25% of U.S. electrical generation was by hydropower. 1920, Federal Power Act establishes Federal Power Commission authority to issue licenses for hydrodevelopment on public lands.
Tennessee Valley Authority established.
Bonneville Dam, first Federal dam, begins operation on the Columbia River
40% of electrical generation was hydropower.
40% of electrical generation was hydropower.