First Steam Engine
The Steam Engine created by Thomas Savery converts heat energy of steam into mechanical energy -
Electric Motor
Created by Thomas Davenport the electric motor uses electricity to create mechanical force -
First Fuel Cell
Created by Sir William Robert Grove the fuel cell produces electrical energy by combining hydrogen and oxygen. -
Electric Telegraph
Created by Samuel Morse the electric telegraph sent messages across long distances using wire. -
Created by Alexander Graham Bell the telephone was the first practical telephone. -
Light bulb
Thomas Eddison patented the incandescent bulb. -
First Wind Turbine
Created by Charles Brush who built the first wind turbine to generate electricity -
First Solar Power
Created by Henry Becquerel who observed the production of electricity directly from the sun -
Geothermal Electric Power Plant
Created by Piero Ginori Conti who created the first geothermal power plant -
Halogen lamp is created
Created by Elmer Fridrich and Emmet Wiley the halogen lamp was used for filming.