Renewable energy chart

Energy in the US

  • Period: to


  • First Windmill to Generate Electricity

    First Windmill to Generate Electricity
    First Windmill to Generate Electricity
  • First Commercial Wind Turbines Sold to Generate Electricity

    First Commercial Wind Turbines Sold to Generate Electricity
  • The Hoover Dam is Built

    The Hoover Dam is Built
  • First Nuclear Power Reactor to Generate Electricity

    First Nuclear Power Reactor to Generate Electricity
  • GE Develops Hydrogen Fuel Cells

    GE Develops Hydrogen Fuel Cells
  • First Geothermal Electric Plants

    First Geothermal Electric Plants
  • Federal Involvement Advances Wind Energy Technology

    Federal Involvement Advances Wind Energy Technology
  • US Department of Energy Created

    US Department of Energy Created
  • First Large Scale Solar-Thermal Power Plant

    First Large Scale Solar-Thermal Power Plant
  • Hydrogen Fuel Initiative

    Hydrogen Fuel Initiative