The First Steam-Powered Locomotive
George Stephenson invented and tested the first steam-powered train to travel on a train track. -
The First Electric Motor
British scientist William Sturgeon invents the first commutator-type direct current electric motor capable of turning machinery. This had a great effect across seas in the U.S. as well, where development of similar devices began. -
Electrical Relay is Invented
American scientist Joseph Henry invents the electrical relay, which can send electrical currents across long distances. -
The Electric Stove
George B. Simpson invents the first electric stove, which uses platinum-wire coil and is powered by batteries. -
The First Light Bulb
Thomas Edison invents and succesfully tests the first functional lightbulb. -
The First Hydroelectric Dam
The Schoelkopf Power Station no.1, operating near Niagara Falls, becomes the first functioning hydroelectric dam -
The First Alternating Current Device
William Stanley, Jr. creates the first alternating current induction coil, in which the flow of energy periodically reverses direction. -
The First Car in America
The Duryea brothers, Charles and Frank, sold the first motor vehicle in Massachusetts. -
The First Solar Panels
The first solar cells able to capture the energy of the Sun are invented. -
The First Nuclear Power Plant
The first commercial nuclear power plant to open in the United States is opened in Shippingport, Pennsylvania.