Steam Engine
The Steam engine was invented in England and sent over to the United States. -
Coal was manufacture commercially in Richmond Virginia -
Ben Franklin
Ben Franlin conducted an experiment and discovered that electricity was natural and found in lightning -
James Watt
James Watt made significant improvments on the steam engine -
By 1859, railroads had become one of the most popular forms of transportation which led to a surge in coal production. -
Sherman Antitrust Act
The Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 was passed which broke up corporations, especially Rockefeller's Oil Empire, a landmark of American oil production -
Nuclear Power
In 1946, the United States began to use nuclear power as an alternate energy source -
Oil took over coal as the most important resource for energy -
Dams hit their peak and hydroelectric power became more and more popular -
Americans are researching new techniques to create alternative energy. These techniques will hopefully create a cleaner and brighter future