Crude oil refined
The Chinese refined crude oil for lighting and heating around 2000 BC -
Jan 1, 600
Greek fire discovered
The Arabs and Persians discovered that petroleum could be mixed into greek fire a napalm of its day. -
Coal Discovered
Coal is discovered near Richmond, Virginia. -
Benjamin Franklin discovers electricity
Through his experiments, Ben Franklin discovers electricity. -
Steam engine invented
James Watts invents the steam engine which requires coal to power it. -
Ethanol engine invented
Samuel Morey invents an engine that runs on ethanol and turpentine. -
Oil discovered in US
Oil is discovered in Northwest Pennsylvania by Edwin Drake. -
Oil main energy source.
Automobiles are started to be mass produced and demand for gas increases. -
Nuclear energy effective
For the first time nuclear energy produced more electricity than oil in the united states. -
Horizon explosion
There was explosion and fire occurred on the offshore drilling rig Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico. Oil leaked from the unfinished well into the ocean for months.