Energy Events in U.S. History

  • Benjamin Franklin Creates Lightning Rod (month and day are unknown)

    Benjamin Franklin Creates Lightning Rod (month and day are unknown)
    In the time of the settlement of the new world (the US) there were many theories about lightening and electricity. Benjamin used his knowledge from his key and kite experiment to cereate a lightening rod, collecting electricity from lightening, and sending it through a cable, connected to the ground, to help protect the building, and other buildings around that area from heat damage from lighting strikes. SOURCES:
  • First Natural Gas Well in USA! (month and day are unknown)

    First Natural Gas Well in USA! (month and day are unknown)
    In 1821, the first well specifically intended to obtain natural gas was dug in Fredonia, New York, by William Hart. SOURCES:
  • Life Long Occupations in Motor Electrics (month and day are unknown)

    Life Long Occupations in Motor Electrics (month and day are unknown)
    Charles G. Page starts a lifelong occupation with electric motors.
    Over the next 20 years, Page is researching to find better, more powerful machines. SOURCES:
  • Thomas Edison Creates First Successful Incandescent Lightbulb

    Thomas Edison Creates First Successful Incandescent Lightbulb
    After many experiments, Thomas Edison invented an incandescent light bulb that could be used for about 40 hours without burning out. By 1880 his bulbs could be used for 1200 hours. SOURCES
  • Thomas Edison Builds FIRST Electric Plant

    Thomas Edison Builds FIRST Electric Plant
    At 3pm on September 4, 1882, Edison threw the switch that would start up America's first power plant SOURCES:
  • First Dam Made SPECIFICALLY for Hydroelectric Power (month and day are unknown)

    First Dam Made SPECIFICALLY for Hydroelectric Power (month and day are unknown)
    On the Willamette River at Oregon City, Ore., the first dam is specifically built to drive a hydroelectric power plant. SOURCES:
  • Idol's Dam and Power Plant WInston-Salem, NC. USA (month and day are unknown)

    Idol's Dam and Power Plant WInston-Salem, NC. USA (month and day are unknown)
    Though electricity first arrived in Winston and Salem in 1887, it was the pioneering work a decade later that truly moved the towns forward in terms of productivity and industrial development.
    The Electric Light and Motive Power Company first offered power service in the towns. SOURCES:
  • A Stepping Stone in Nuclear Experimentation (month: November, day is unknown)

    A Stepping Stone in Nuclear Experimentation (month: November, day is unknown)
    The Atomic Energy Commission announced the successful development of a 220-pound nuclear reactor designed to provide electric power for space vehicles. Sources:
  • FIRST NUCLEAR POWER PLANT IN NORTH CAROLINA (month and day are unknown)

    FIRST NUCLEAR POWER PLANT IN NORTH CAROLINA (month and day are unknown)
    The two-unit, 1,870-megawatt Brunswick Nuclear Plant is located approximately two miles north of Southport, N.C., and houses two boiling water nuclear reactors. This was the first nuclear power plant built in North Carolina, beginning operation in 1975. SOURCES:
  • BP Oil Rig - Explodes and Sinks in Gulf Coast

    BP Oil Rig - Explodes and Sinks in Gulf Coast
    Following the explosion and sinking of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig, owned by BP, a sea-floor oil gusher flowed for 87 days, until it was capped on 15 July 2010. Iit is considered the largest accidental marine oil spill in the history of the petroleum industry