Jan 1, 1000
Magnetic Compass
First magnetic compass was created in china. -
Jan 1, 1100
Wells dug 3,500 feet underground
The Chinese drill wells with primitive boring equipment to depths as great as 3,500 feet. -
Jan 1, 1130
Gunpowder is Used for Weaponry
Gunpowder is employed for weaponry in China, as primitive rockets, mortars, and cannons are in use. -
Jan 1, 1180
First Windmills
Windmills found in France, England, and elsewhere in Europe. -
Jan 1, 1200
First treadmill
A treadmill hoisting machine powered by donkeys is installed at the Abbey of Mont St. Michel on the French seacoast. -
Jan 1, 1400
Burnning coal for cooking and heating
The Hopi people of southwestern North America burn coal for cooking and heating, and to bake the pottery they make from clay. -
Jan 1, 1550
First known hydrogen production
The first known production of hydrogen is made by the Swiss physician and alchemist Paracelsus. -
First wind-driven sawmill
The first wind-driven sawmill is built in the Netherlands. -
Know that air pressure decreases with altitude.
From an experiment using barometers at different levels on a mountain, French mathematician Blaise Pascal establishes that air pressure decreases with altitude, leading him to conclude that the atmosphere has only a finite height. -
Coal as in place of wood for dominat fuel in U.S.
Coal takes the place of wood as the dominant fuel in the U.S. economy, as industry has replaced human labor and draft animals with steam engines and other inanimate energy converters.