
  • U.S.S Nautilus

    U.S.S Nautilus
    US Navy launched first nuclear powered submarine.
  • Truman signs Atomic Energy Act of 1946

    Truman signs Atomic Energy Act of 1946
    This act regualated the use of nuclear power in the United States
  • Energy Policy and Conservation Act

    Energy Policy and Conservation Act
    Act established a petroleum reserve of one billion barrels.
  • Emergency Natural Gas Act of 1977

    Emergency Natural Gas Act of 1977
    Carter signs act which allowed the givernment to send natural gas power to those in critical areas of the country.
  • The Climate Change Action Plan

    The Climate Change Action Plan
    This act emphasized voluntary measures to stabilize greenhouse gas emissions
  • Energy Emergency Task Force Established

    Energy Emergency Task Force Established
    This task force was established to respond quickly to summertime energy emergencies.
  • Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America

    Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America
    Agreement between America's president, Mexico's president and Canada's prime minister to strengthen North America's energy market.
  • Advanced Energy Initiative

    Advanced Energy Initiative
    Outline of America's plan to limit its dependence on foreign energy.
  • Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP) Strategic Plan

    Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP) Strategic Plan
    Plan gave a detailed strategic plan of the world wide effort to rely on emission free nuclear energy.
  • American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

    American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
    Obama signs act which explains and promises government investments in green energy.