Cold war

Cold War Timeline

  • Beginning of the Cold War

    Beginning of the Cold War
    U.S. and the Soviet Union entered an era of tension and hostility which became known as the Cold War. It was for the struggle of power between two nations with very different forms of goverment and economic systems.
  • Period: to

    The Cold War

  • Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan

    Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan
    A pledge to provide economic and military aid to oppose the spread of communism. U.S. congress agreed to aid Greece and Turkey by sending hundreds of million of dollars. The Marshall plan was also made to help Europe recover from the war and keep europeans away from communism.
  • Soviet Unions Success

    Soviet Unions Success
    Soviet Unions test on the atomic bomb came to a success. The military advantage the U.S. had over the soviet union was no longer there.

  • U.S. Hydrogen Bomb

    U.S. Hydrogen Bomb
    U.S. tested the first fusion-powered hydrogen bomb, and had outstanding results. It completly vaporized the island in which the bomb was tested on.
  • Attempts of Arms Control

    Attempts of Arms Control
    President Eisenhower purposed an open-skies treaty.Allowing each side to fly over to others territory and gather accurate information about its weapons. The soviet Union refused this offer.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The U.S. ambassador to the United Nations confronts the Soviet ambassador, displaying photos of the Soviets missiles.The U.S.-Soviet confrontation over Soviet missiles in Cuba brought the world close to a nuclear war.
  • Richard Nixon

    Richard Nixion was elected U.S. president, and had reduced tensions between the superpowers. His efforts was the start of the Strategic Arms Limitations Talks.
  • ABM

    SALT I led to the Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty. Which prevented the development of weapons designed to shoot down nuclear missiles, to remain vulnerable to he others nuclear weapons.

    This talk led to an arms control treaty. Although it was never confirmed by the U.S, senate.
  • Ronald Reagan

    Ronald Reagan
    Elected in 1980 as U.S. president, he took an aggressive path towards the Soviet Union. Speaking of the development of a missile defense system in violations of the ABM treaty.
  • INF

    The two countries confirmed the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. Which was the elimination of certain types of missiles.
  • End of the Cold War

    End of the Cold War
    Soon many years after conflict and with certain agrrements. The U.S. and Soviet Union finally began to improve and loose tension.