End of WW1 Timeline

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    The Triple Alliance

    It is a military alliance an agreement to fight together in that case Germany, Italy, Austria- Hungary could not fight with each other since they are the Triple Alliance which only lasted from 1880 to 1914 WW1.
  • The Khaki Election

    The Khaki Election
    A Khaki election is a national election but its inspired by postwar sentiment or wartime in general. In the British general election of the 1900’s, Lord Salisbury the leader of the Conservative Party was returned to the office after defeating a disunited Liberal Party. The reason for “Khaki” as the name of the election is because during the midst of the Second Boer War the colour of the new military uniforms for the soldiers of the British Empire were “khakis”.
  • The Development Of Alliences

    The Development Of Alliences
    The Development of Alliances were formed in 1914. An Alliance is important during a war because when one or two parties have common goals together an Alliance is formed and also good to have because it’s like if we went into a war you would have one or more parties supporting you when help is needed. The Triple Alliance is Germany, Austria- Hungary, Italy, and also The Triple Entente is Russia, Great Britain, France
  • Machine Guns

    Machine Guns
    A machine gun is an automatic gun that fires bullets rapidly fast till the trigger is pressed. The machine gun was used in WW1 and is based on Hiram Maxim’s 1884 design and the reason why the soldiers used them is because it fired and shot 400-500 rounds almost replacing the rifle.
  • The Assassination of the Arch Duke of Austria-Hungary Franz Ferdinand2

    The Assassination of the Arch Duke of Austria-Hungary Franz Ferdinand2
    He was assassinated on June 28, 1914, in Sarajevo, Bosnia, and Herzegovina.
    Arch Duke and his wife were shot by a Bosnian Serb nationalist while visiting Sarajevo to inspect the imperial armed forces in Bosnia but he was annexed by Austria- Hungary in 1908 and that angered the Serbian nationalists who believed the territories should be included in Serbia. The young Serbian nationalists made a plan to kill him on his visit. 19-year-old Gavirlo Princip was able to shoot them on the spot.
  • Trench Warfare

    Trench Warfare
    The Trenches were basically what the soldiers lived in when the battle started in September, 15, 1914. they were narrow ditches dug onto the ground and they were very uncomfortable for the soldier’s living situation. It was also muddy and gross even the soldiers developed medical issues like “Trench Foot”.
  • The Second Battle of Ypres

    The Second Battle of Ypres
    On April 22, 1915, the German forces surprised the Allied soldiers on the Western Front by firing more than 150 tons of chlorine gas at the two French Divisions at Ypres, Belgium. Its significant because The Second Battle of Ypres, Germany was the first mass to use posion gas against the Western Front.
  • Manitoba Women Get To Vote

    Manitoba Women Get To Vote
    A women suffrage movement was about a decades long of a fight to win the right to vote.
    It took 100 years for reformers and activists to be able to earn the right to vote for women.
    January, 28, 1916 is when women officially had the right to vote.
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    The Battle Of Somme

    From July, 1, 1916 to Novemeber, 18, 1916 a new battle occurred which was The Battle of the Somme in WW1. Armies like the French Third Republic and British Empire fought against the German Empire taking place in River Somme in France. It symbolized the horrors of the war in WW1 it also marked an effect of casualty figures and eptomised the fulility of the trench warfare.
  • The Conscription Crisis

    The Conscription Crisis
    It was a military and political crisis disagreeing to not put every men to fight in war because of the lack of military service the government was very desprate for more soldiers to fight in the country so it could be protected. It touched the soul of French Canada that violence and disagreement occured also Canadians were losing jobs to able to support their families at home
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    The Russian Revolution

    The Russian Revolution started from March, 8, 1917 to June, 16, 1923. The Bolsheviks were led by Vladimir Lenin, he destroyed and seized the traditional csarist rule then The Bolsheviks later would become the one and only Communist Party of the Soviet Union. October of 1917 Vladimir Lenin took full control of the government and declared Russia as the first Communist country in the world and also signing a piece treaty with Germany called “The Treaty of Brest-Litovisk.
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    The Battle of Vimy Ridge

    In April, 9, 1917 to April, 12, 1917 a battle in Vimy, France occurred which is the Battle of Vimy Ridge. It was a part of the Battle of the Arras in the region of France which is Nord-Pas-de-Calais. The Battle of Vimy Ridge resulted in the British Empire to win. It was important tactical feature that Canadidans captured the essential of the advances caused by the British Third Army to the south and the importance to check for German attacks in 1918.
  • Income Tax Introduced

    Income Tax Introduced
    It was to help finance the war and the soldiers.the Income Tax War Act was covering the soldiers personal and corporate income. At first the Income Tax War Act was a temporary measure.
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    Battle of Passchendaele

    From July, 31, 1917 to November, 10, 1923 The Third Battle of The Ypres which is also called “ Battle of the Passchendaele started and ended. It was a battle to take full control of a village located near Ypres in a town of West Flanders, Belgium. The point of the wear was apparently to wear out the enemy and to secure the land of Belgian Coast. It served a symbol of senseless slaughter, mud and madness of the Western Front.
  • Armistice

    A Armistice is a formal agreement between warring parties to prevent another war from occuring in the future taken affect on Novemeber, 11, 1918 . Its not nesscecarily to stop a war its an attempt to be able to prevent another war from occuring. We recognize this because its to celebrate all the fallen soldiers who died in WW1 which is also called “Remembrance Day” but its also to celebrate what they have done for us right now to live a good life.
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    Technology in WW2

    In WW2 they really invested into getting and making new armed technology to help win the war and eliminate enimies. A couple of new weapons were introduced like M1 Garand, KA- BAR Knife, Radio Proximity Fuze, Mk2 fragmentation grenade, M2 browning and many more but it was important for the soldiers to have their armed techonology ahead of the others to eliminate enimies in the battlefield way more efficient and quicker
  • First Canadian Division Arrives

    First Canadian Division Arrives
    The First Canadian Division was formed during WW1 and is an operational command and control formation of the Canadian Joint Operations Command based in CFB Kingston.