End of World War2

  • End of World War 2

    End of World War 2
  • France (Robert Schumann) proposes Franco-German reconciliation

    France (Robert Schumann) proposes Franco-German reconciliation
  • The European Coal and Steel Community (SCEC) is born

    The European Coal and Steel Community (SCEC) is born
    Is formed by France, West Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Italy and Luxembourg.
  • Treaties of Rome

    Treaties of Rome
    European Economic Community (EEC) common market and free movement of workers and the Common agricultural policy
  • treaties implemented

    treaties implemented
  • England wants to join France says no

    England wants to join France says no
  • The three communities (SCEC, EEC and Euratom) are merged for more efficient functioning.

    The three communities (SCEC, EEC and Euratom) are merged for more efficient functioning.
  • Merger treaty

    Merger treaty
    A single commission, commissioners chosen by heads of state. Council, ministers of the members, accept reject etc of commission petitions, parliament has opinion on commission and judicial court to see the legality
  • Norway rejects to join by referendum

    Norway rejects to join by referendum
  • UK, Ireland and Denmark join

    UK, Ireland and Denmark join
  • European council is created

    European council is created
  • Spain, Portugal and Greece ask to join

    Spain, Portugal and Greece ask to join
  • Votation for parliament

    Votation for parliament
  • Greenland leaves

  • Greece joins and UK pay less for the Agricultural policy

     Greece joins and UK pay less for the Agricultural policy
  • Sengchen agreement is signed in Luxembourg

     Sengchen agreement is signed in Luxembourg
  • Spain and Portugal join .single European act is signed. Free movement between member countries

     Spain and Portugal join .single European act is signed. Free movement between member countries
  • Germany reunification and collapse of USSR

    Germany reunification and collapse of USSR
  • Maastricht treaty (EU is created and gets new powers) Future creation of common currency

    Maastricht treaty (EU is created and gets new powers) Future creation of common currency
  • Switzerland, Austria, sweeden, finland and Norway ask for join

    Switzerland, Austria, sweeden, finland and Norway ask for join
  • Switzerland and Norway don’t join. Sweeden, Austria and Finland join. 15 members

    Switzerland and Norway don’t join. Sweeden, Austria and Finland join. 15 members
  • Treaty of Amsterdam . Common currency advances (Euro) UK, Denmark and Sweeden

    Treaty of Amsterdam . Common currency advances (Euro) UK, Denmark and Sweeden
  • Remaining countries create European Central Bank (ECB)

    Remaining countries create European Central Bank (ECB)
  • Euro is launched

    Euro is launched
  • Treaty of Nice

     Treaty of Nice
  • Constitutional Treaty french and Dutch reject it. Poland, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Estonia, Letonia, Lithuania, Hungry, Slovenia, Malta

  • Romania and Bulgaria Join. Treaty of Lisbon

    Romania and Bulgaria Join. Treaty of Lisbon
  • Eurozone recession

  • Migrant crisis, Croatia joins

  • Brexit starts

  • Brexit happens man 31