Summit of Geneva
This was a meeting between the big 4 leaders in 1955. the purpose was to bring together world leaders to begin peace discussions. -
Richard Nixon policy of Detente
This was a peiod of improved relations between America and the Soviet union.Nixon was the first president to vist Moscow where he and Brezhnev signed several agreements to help improve relations and stop the arms race. -
Period: to
End of the Cold War
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
This was a war between the Russian lead Afghan soldiers against multi-national insurgent groups. This decade long war caused many citizens to flee into other countries and along with that hundreds of thosands were killed. -
Perestroika and Glasnost
Perestroika was the recronstuction of the soviet economy and goverment. Glasnost when the soviets got more freedoms and it meent openess. -
Solidarity Movment in Poland
First non communist trade party union in warsaw. The United States provided significant financial support for Solidarity, estimated to be as much as 50 million US dollars -
Ronald Reagan addresses the National Association of Evangelicals
Ronald Reagan delivers his Evil Empire speach. I this speach Reagan talked down to the Soviet union.
"They preach the supremacy of the state, declare its omnipotence over individual man and predict its eventual domination of all peoples on the Earth. They are the focus of evil in the modern world...." Ronald Regan -
Strategic Defense Treaty
This was proposed by Reagan to defend against nukelear threats.
It was widely criticized for being unrealistic and that it could even restart the arms race. -
Reykjavik Summit
The Reykjavík Summit was a summit meeting between U.S. President Ronald Reagan and General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev. The talks collapsed at the last minute, but the progress that had been achieved eventually resulted in the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty between the United States and the Soviet Union.
"through 1991, during which time a 50% reduction of strategic nuclear arsenals would be achieved" Readings from the American treaty. -
Reagans speech at Brandenberg Gate
This was a speech made at west berlin challenging the Soviet Union to take down the Berlin Wall. This speech was one of Reagans most famous during his presedency.
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" -
Reagan and Gorbachev sign INF treaty
This treaty was made to limint the amount of nuclear wepons made. Both states aggreed to the treaty. -
Gorbachev becomes head of state.
Gorbachev becomes head of state in the Soviet union. He eventully becomes the first presedent of Russia. -
Fall of the Berlin Wall
The Berlin wall was a wall that split East and West Berlin. It started to be taken down on November 9 1989 which then allowed people to travel freely between East and West Berlin.
"Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate. Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" -
Fall of the Soviet Union
The Soviet Union ceased to exist and ended up creating the Cis. This marked the end of the cold war.