Qing Dynasty
During the 17th century, it was the first start of Chinese slavery. Many Chinese people were sold to Muslims who were used for multiple purposes like trading opium, for sexual purposes, or servants. Since opium was a large business, much of the opium was transported to many places and they used servants to get them there. -
Late 1600s
During the late 1600s, Indian and Pakistan people were brought around the world and sold by Arabs and traded by the Portugese merchants to be used as servants and for women to be forced wed and used sexually. -
Indian Abolishment
During 1843, India abolished slavery and made enslavement of a human illegal considering almost 15% of the Indian population was enslaved. However, many people ignored the law and continued to enslave thousands of the Indian population. The regulation has remained very poor to this day. -
Manufacturing era began
During the 1900s, many forms of mass manufacturing involved the use of sweatshops and cheap labor. Throughout the Asian population, many areas force thousands of Asian people to work for hours on end to produce textiles and clothing. -
Modern Day
Many forms of enslavement are used in Asian countries still. Throughout India, many kids are kidnapped and used to beg on the streets to gain money from tourists. In countries by the sea like Japan and Korea, many young boys&men, are used to capture seafood to be later made of profit for their owners. Women are used to work in sweatshops like past times, and are also used for prostitution and as servants. These issues are relatively unknown to many and continues to be an issue throughout Asia.