Foreign Kings Affecting Israel and Judah

By ajr308
  • Period: 727 BCE to 722 BCE

    Shalmaneser V

  • 722 BCE

    Fall of Samaria (9th of Hoshea)

  • Period: 722 BCE to 705 BCE

    Sargon II

  • Period: 705 BCE to 681 BCE


  • Period: 681 BCE to 669 BCE


  • Period: 669 BCE to 631 BCE


  • Period: 631 BCE to 627 BCE


  • Period: 627 BCE to 612 BCE


  • Period: 626 BCE to 605 BCE


  • Period: 626 BCE to 626 BCE


  • 612 BCE

    Babylonians and Egyptians defeat Assyrian Empire

  • Period: 612 BCE to 609 BCE

    Assur-uballit II

  • 605 BCE

    Nebuchadnezzar becomes King of Babylon

  • 605 BCE

    First Exile from Jerusalem

    Jehoiakim becomes King. Daniel, Shadrach, Meshech, and Abednego are taken to Babylon.
  • Period: 605 BCE to 562 BCE


  • 601 BCE

    Jehoiakim Rebels/ Aligns with Egypt

  • 597 BCE

    Second Exile from Jerusalem

    Nebuchadnezzar removes Jehoiakim for his rebellion. Jehoiachin is set up as king. Jehoiachin is also called Jeconiah and Coniah.
  • 587 BCE

    Third Exile from Jerusalem and Destruction

  • Period: 562 BCE to 560 BCE


  • Period: 560 BCE to 556 BCE


  • Period: 559 BCE to 530 BCE

    Cyrus 1

  • Period: 556 BCE to 537 BCE


  • 537 BCE

    Destruction of Babylon by Persia/ Proclamation for Return

  • 536 BCE

    Temple Rebuilding Begins Under Zerubbabel

  • Period: 529 BCE to 522 BCE


  • Period: 521 BCE to 486 BCE

    Darius 1 the Great

  • 516 BCE

    Temple Rebuilding Finished (6th of Darius)

  • 499 BCE

    Greco-Persian Wars Begin

  • Period: 492 BCE to 490 BCE

    First Persian Invasion of Greece

  • 490 BCE

    Battle of Marathon

  • Period: 485 BCE to 465 BCE

    Xerxes 1

  • 480 BCE

    Battle of Thermopylae

  • 480 BCE

    Battle of Salamis

  • Period: 480 BCE to 479 BCE

    Second Persian Invasion of Greece

  • 479 BCE

    Esther Becomes Queen?

  • Period: 479 BCE to 478 BCE

    Greek Counter-Attack into Asia Minor

  • Period: 477 BCE to 449 BCE

    Wars of the Delian League

  • Period: 464 BCE to 424 BCE

    Artaxerxes 1

  • 458 BCE

    Ezra Returns to Jerusalem (7th of Artaxerxes)

  • 449 BCE

    Greco-Persian Wars End

  • 444 BCE

    Nehemiah Returns to Jerusalem

  • Period: 423 BCE to 405 BCE

    Darius II

  • Period: 405 BCE to 358 BCE

    Artaxerxes II

  • Period: 359 BCE to 336 BCE

    Phillip II of Macedon

  • Period: 358 BCE to 338 BCE

    Artaxerxes III

  • Period: 338 BCE to 336 BCE

    Artaxerxes IV

  • Period: 336 BCE to 323 BCE

    Alexander the Great

  • Period: 336 BCE to 330 BCE

    Darius III

  • 331 BCE

    Battle of Guagamela (End of Persian Empire)

  • Period: 323 BCE to 309 BCE

    Alexander IV

  • Period: 306 BCE to 281 BCE


  • Period: 305 BCE to 282 BCE

    Ptolemy I Soter

  • Period: 305 BCE to 297 BCE


  • Period: 305 BCE to 281 BCE

    Seleucus I Nicator