End of cold war

End of Cold War Timeline

  • U.S. Boycott of 1980 Summer Olympics

    U.S. Boycott of 1980 Summer Olympics
    Jimmy Carter issued a statement saying that unless Russia's forces got out of Afganistan in a timely fashion, America would not participate in the 1980 Summer Olympics.
  • Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) (“Star Wars”)

    Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) (“Star Wars”)
    The Strategic Defense Initiative was initiated by then President Ronald Reagan and was designed to protect the U.S. from missile attacks from Russia by intercepting their missiles mid air and destroying them with some of the most advanced technology of the time. Critics felt that Reagan’s idea was too far fetched and science fiction, but his plan eventually did come to life in the mid 90s.
  • Caribean Basin Initiative

    Caribean Basin Initiative
    The Caribbean Basin Initiative was a program the United States put into effect in 1984 to provide trade benefits to caribbean countries. This program made trading with Mexico easier, and gave benefits to non communist countries that traded with the Unites States.
  • Mikhail Gorbachev becomes General Secretary of the CommunistParty of the Soviet Union

    Mikhail Gorbachev becomes General Secretary of the CommunistParty of the Soviet Union
    Mikhail Gorbachev was a General Secretary for the Communist Party in the Soviet Union. Mikhail had involvement with the communist government since he was in high school, and had much experience with it. He was made the leader of the U.S.S.R. , and was a strong contributor to break up the USSR, and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his work.
  • Iran-Contra Affair

    Iran-Contra Affair
    The Iran Contra Affair was started to free American hostages being held in Lebanon. America made a deal to give Iran weapons in exchange for the hostages. This event caused debates as to whether iran should be gave weapons, which would make them stronger.
  • Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) ratified

    Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) ratified
    The Intermediate Range Nuclear Force Treaty was an agreement between the United States and the Soviet Union that banned nuclear and ground launched weapons within an intermediate range. This treaty was done in hopes to reduce Soviet power.
  • Berlin Wall Collapses

    Berlin Wall Collapses
    Starting in Germany, countries started reconnecting relationships with nearby countries, and uniting countries together as one. The Berlin wall was demolished after East Berlin announced they they would reconnect with the rest of Germany.
  • 1st McDonalds opens in Moscow

    1st McDonalds opens in Moscow
    The first McDonalds opening in Moscow showed the rise of Capitalism. This gave many non-communists hope to the ending of the Soviet attacks. Citizens paid a weeks pay to eat this fast food, that would become one of the most popular in the world.
  • Germany is Reunified

    Germany is Reunified
    East and West Germany had split apart due to differences in political beliefs, and after several years, decided to reunite with each other. The Brandenburg Gates were built to represent the reunitation of Germany.
  • Warsaw Pact is Dissolved

    Warsaw Pact is Dissolved
    The U.S.S.R.'s version of NATO was dissolved
  • Boris Yelstin elected President of Russia

    Boris Yelstin elected President of Russia
    Boris Yeltsin was elected to be the first president of the Russian Federation, and served as president for 8 years. Yeltsin was a well liked president at first and contributed much to the reputation of Russia.
  • The Soviet Union is Ended

    The Soviet Union is Ended
    The Soviet Union was falling during the end of the Cold War. Communism was becoming less prominent, and this hurt the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union eventually ended, and lost its power.