End of Cold War

  • berlin wall collapse

    berlin wall collapse
    located between eastern and western berlin its purpopse was to spearate the eatern and western people from comming over to either side of the wall
  • intermediate nuclear forces treaty

    intermediate nuclear forces treaty
    it was a major milestone in arms control. it was the first time the the unoted states and the soviet union agreed about nuclear weapons
  • U.S Boycot in 1980 Summer Olympics

    U.S Boycot in 1980 Summer Olympics
    In this time period the untied states lead a boycott of the summer olypic games. in total 65 nations refused to participate!
  • Caribean Basin Initiative

    Caribean Basin Initiative
    Also called the CBI it was a broud Untied States policy program. It was deigned to promotes economic development in political stabilty!
  • Strateic Defence inituative/ Star wars

    Strateic Defence inituative/ Star wars
    under President Regan the goal of this program was to develope a sophisticated anti ballistic mistle system. it was created to provent mistle attack from other countries specifically the Soviet Union
  • Iran

    around the regans efforts to eradictate communism spanned the globe. He also got the cia involved
  • 1st McDonalds in Moscow

    1st McDonalds in Moscow
    the first main payments were of big macs shakes and french fries. for russia it was less of an political statement than an oppotunity to enjoy fast food
  • germany is reunified

    this was when the german democratic republic joined the federal republic of germany
  • boris yelstin elected president of russia

    boris yelstin elected president of russia
    though a communist member for most of his life he came to believe in more democratic functions russia.
  • Mikhail gorbachev

    Mikhail gorbachev
    the Soviet Union postwar domination of eastern Europe. Then is efforts lead to a downfall