U.S. boycott of 1980 Summer Olympics
The United States would boycott the Moscow summer Olympics if the Soviet Union did not withdraw there troops from afghanistan. We were aloud to send a team if the inernational situation got better. -
Strategic Defense Initiative
It was a plan prreposed by President Ronald Reagen. It was a plan that used both ground and space bases to protect the United States from a Nuclear Attack. -
Caribbean Basin Initiative
It was created and aimed to provide several tariff and trade benefits to many Central America and Carribian countries. This would help provide aid to our allies. -
Mikhail Gorbachev becomes General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
He was the first of the parties leaders to be born after the revolution. His primary goal after becoming General Secretary was to revive the solviet economy. -
Iran-Contra Affair
It was a political scandal that came to light in 1986. During the Regan Admistration tthe U.S sold arms to Iran. -
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) ratified
It was an agreemant between the soviet union and the United States. It says that we and the soviet union are not aloud to use nuclear wepons tward each other. -
Berlin Wall collapses
The Berlin Wall divided Germany into 2 sides the east side and the west side. It was broken down when the head of the communist party on the east side said the can travel to the west side of town. -
1st McDonalds opens in Moscow
5,000 people came to the opening. It set a world record for having more the 30,000 people served in one day -
Germany is reunified
The GRD/East and FRG/West reunited to for Germany again. At the end germany was refered to as germany unity. -
Boris Yelstin elected President of Russia
Was elected to the new position not yet seen before in russia called president. He was then relected in 1996. -
end of the Soviet Union
It was an agreement the all signed saying it was disovled. All the important leaders signed it. -
Warsaw Pact is dissolved
The Cold war in now over it has gone away. The cold war did not have alot of large scale fighting.