ENC 1101 Project 1

By mateen
  • Farm-Animal Welfare, Legislation, And Trade

    Matheny, Gaverick. "Farm-Animal Welfare, Legislation, And Trade." Law And Contemporary Problems 70.(2007): 325. LexisNexis Academic: Law Reviews. Web. 11 Oct. 2015.
  • Fast Food And Animal Rights

    Adams, Ronald J. "Fast Food And Animal Rights: An Examination And Assessment Of The Industry's Response To Social Pressure." Business & Society Review (00453609) 113.3 (2008): 301-328. Business Source Premier. Web. 11 Oct. 2015.
  • Framing Animal Rights In The "Go Veg"Campaigns Of U.S. Animal Rights Organizations.

    Freeman, Carrie Packwood. "Framing Animal Rights In The "Go Veg" Campaigns Of U.S. Animal Rights Organizations." Society & Animals 18.2 (2010): 163. Publisher Provided Full Text Searching File. Web. 11 Oct. 2015.
  • Using Emerging Pollution Tracking Methods To Address The Downstream Impacts Of Factory Farm Animal Welfare Abuse

    HEINZEN, TARAH, and ABEL RUSS. "Using Emerging Pollution Tracking Methods To Address The Downstream Impacts Of Factory Farm Animal Welfare Abuse." Pace Environmental Law Review 31.2 (2014): 475-499. OmniFile Full Text Mega (H.W. Wilson). Web. 11 Oct. 2015.

    Dragulanescu, Irina-Virginia. "ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION FROM INTENSIVE LIVESTOCK BREEDING".ProQuest. Web. 11 Oct. 2015
  • Ag-Gag Laws: A Shift In The Wrong Direction For AnimalWelfare On Farms.

    Wilson, Larissa. "Ag-Gag Laws: A Shift In The Wrong Direction For Animal Welfare On Farms." Golden Gate University Law Review 44.(2014): 311. LexisNexis Academic: Law Reviews. Web. 11 Oct. 2015.