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Emperors Timeline

  • Period: 379 BCE to 395 BCE

    Theodosius the Great

    He was remembered by stablishing the boundaries of the empire against the Goths aand was the last emperor to govern both western and eastern sides of the empire.
  • Period: 306 to 337

    Constantine the Great

    He was the first emperor of the Byzantine Empire, also one of the greatest who moved the capital from Rome to Constantinople named like this in honor to him and also recovered mos of the lost land of the Roman Empire.
  • 312

    The Battle of Milvian Bridge

    The Battle of Milvian Bridge
    In this critical battle, Constantine battle Maxentius who had asurped the Roman throne and proclaim himself emperor, Constantine won and nmos of Maxentius soldier s drown in the river including Maxentius.
  • 313

    Edict of Milan

    Edict of Milan
    The Edict of Milan was a law that was created by Licinius and Constantine for their new empire they both governed saying that everybody could have whatever religion they wanted and that reilgious people cant be killed or chased by their religion
  • 324

    The Battle of Adrianople

    The Battle of Adrianople
    In this final battle, Constantine was able to deafeat Licinius and reclaim the absolute power of the empire and claim himself sole emperor/
  • 381

    Goths Settlement

    After a lot of wars in the border of the empire against the empire, Theodosius fixed this problem by letting the Goths to live in the empire and in exchange, to the Goths to become allies of the empire.
  • 388

    The Battle of the Save

    The Battle of the Save
    Here, Theodosius defeated the forces of Magnus Maximus who had killed the western Roman Emperor and declar himself emperor, after this, Magnus was captured and executed in the capital
  • 390

    The Massacre of Thessalonica

    The Massacre of Thessalonica
    Thier was a uprising in the city of Thessalonica led by rebelius Gothic generals, Theodosian send his own Gothic troop to stop the, but the uprising wouldnt stop until a poin were the emperor ordered the killing of all the city of Thessalonica which cause the massacre of 7000 people.
  • Period: 527 to 565

    Justinian I

    He was remembered as one of the greatest conquerors of the Roman Empire history, conquering all the western half that had been taken long time ago and taking the Byzantine Empire to its greatest expantion in all their history.
  • 532

    Nika Riots

    Nika Riots
    The Nika Riots was one of the most violent riots in all human history, it was mainly because of all the problems social classes had against each other so when it reached its peek of conflict, Justinian asked all the rioters to gather in the hippodrome to discuse terms but actually he ended up massacring all 30,000 people in one day.
  • 537

    Hagia Sophia

    Hagia Sophia
    The Hagia Sophia is a religious building that was builded at first as the greatest christian church but after the fall of the empire, it was converted to muslim religion.
  • Period: 610 to 641


    Heraclius is mostly remebered because he finally defeated the Persians and was able to reecover many land they had lost over them and the Persian allies.
  • 618

    Sue For Peace with the Persians

    After the Persians defeated most of Heraclius forces, he was able to sue for peace in exchange for an annual tribute of a thousand talents of gold, a thousand talents of silver, a thousand silk robes, a thousand horses, and a thousand virgins to the Persian King.
  • 628

    Defeat of the Persians.

    Defeat of the Persians.
    After 10 years of a war campaign, Heraclius defeated the Persians by attacking their outside allies and then surrounding the Persians capital, after a month, the people revolted and killed their king, asking for peace.
  • 629

    The Holy Cross

    The Holy Cross
    When surrounding the capital, Heraclius sieged one of the kings most valued states, there he recovered the supposed Holy Cross were Jesus was crusifixed and was stole during Persian wars against muslims. In this same year he returned the cross to Constantinople in a holy ceremony.
  • 784

    The Ending of Iconoclasm

    The Ending of Iconoclasm
    Irene mos famous act was the end of iconoclasm, she finally signed a agreement with the church that allowed people to pray to relgious picture of any kind.
  • Period: 797 to 802

    Empress Irene

    Empress Irene was a strong empress who ruled in the throne for his son until he grew up, ses well known for using most of her power for herself that a emperor should usually use.
  • Period: 976 to 1025

    Basil II

    Basil II was also called the Bulgar slayer, this nickname came from the fact that most of his reign he spent trying to defeat the Bulgars and gain their land, also he was known by hes non stopping conquest over many los regions of the empire.
  • 989

    Alliance with Russia

    Alliance with Russia
    During this year, Basil had a lot of potentia influencers that wanted to kick him out of the throne and have it for themselves, so Basil went to ask for military support to King Vladimir of Kiev, with this alliance, christiany grew strong in Russia.
  • 990

    War Campaign against Bulgars

    Basil II started a war campaign against Bulgaria and Tzar Samuel that would last 25 years.
  • 1014

    Blinded Army

    Blinded Army
    Basil captured the main Bulgar army and blinded everyone exept every 100 soldiers, a soldier to lead them home, Tzar Smaul died of a heart attack the moment he saw his army.
  • Period: 1028 to 1050

    Empress Zoe

    Shes a well known empress who got married 3 times and both, two of her husbands were murdered by her because of her jealousy of power and she governed very peacefully and formally. During her reign, she governed with her sister Theodora who later became empress.
  • 1034

    The murder of Romanos III

    The murder of Romanos III
    Zoes first husband was Romanos III, who showed a lot of rulling power for the empire, later on, Romanos started to have mistresses, and this drove Zoe crazy, when Romanos was very ill, he was found dead on his bathtub, many historians said that it was Zoe who had drowned him.
  • 1042

    Michael V Dethroned

    Michael V Dethroned
    Michael V had sent Zoe to a religious place in one of the empires island, thsi caused a riot of the people so they threatened him to dethrone him if he didnt bring Zoe back, when he did, the council still voted for Zoe to govern and Theodora as co emperor
  • Period: 1042 to 1056

    Empress Theodora

    She was the little sister of empress Zoe, she governed with her as co emperor and when Zoe died and her husband was banished, Theodora took over power without marrying no one.
  • 1056

    Theodoras Death

    Theodora never got married, she was busy tranferring power into her hands that she never thought of naming a succesor, when she died the Macedonian dynastys 189 year rule ended