Bryant's Grocery & Meat Market
Emmett & some relatives with their friends went to the grocery store to shop. Emmett went in with one friend & was left alone after his friend made his purchase. Emmett supposely flirted & whistled at the cashier and left. -
Emmett Till's Death
Emmett Till, accused of whistling at a white woman, was murdered by Roy Bryant and J. W. Milam (her husband and half brother). They had taken him out of his uncles home, beaten him, then shot him dead and left his body in the river. This was just the start of this infamous crime. -
Emmetts open casket
At Emmett's funeral service his mother, Mamie Till, decides to have an open casket. Many people and newspaper photographers waited in line to see emmett till's body. Seeing the pictures and hearing the story angered both the African American community and White community all over the united states. -
The Start of the trial
Roy Bryant and J. W. Milam were accused of murder and kidnapping of Emmett Till. They stood before an All White All Male jury due to the fact that african american and white woman could not serve. This caused controvercy all over the nation. -
Moses Wright does the unthinkable
Moses Wright, standing on the witness stand, openly accuses Roy and J. W. of murdering Emmett infront of the entire court, risking his life. -
Roy and J. W. not guilty
After only a mere 67 minutes, the two defendants were "proven" not guilty and set free. The nation and even Countrys around the world are outraged by the verdict. -
The Worlds Reaction
In places like Belgium, France, and Germany; newspapers released articles shaming the sumner court in mississippi and sorrowing the death of emmett till. -
Justice still not served
After Moses and Willie went back to mississippi for the last time & testifyed that Roy and J. W. did kill emmett, yet the grand judge still refuses to indict the two men for kidnaping. -
The effects of the case
100 days after Emmett Tills murder, Rosa Parks refuses her seat on the bus launching the montgomery, alabama bus boycott. It seemed as if after the murder of emmett. the civil rights movment rocketed.