Emmeline pankhurst, seated (1913)

Emmeline Pankhurst

  • First years

    First years
    Emmeline Pankhurst (nee Goulden) was born on 14 July 1858 in Manchester into a family with a tradition of radical politics.In October 1903, she helped found theWomen's Social and Political Union (WSPU) - an organisation that was famous for its activities and whose members were the first to be christened 'suffragettes'. Emmeline's daughters Christabel and Sylvia were both active in the cause.
  • Women's Social and Political Union(WSPU)

    Women's Social and Political Union(WSPU)
    The WSPU became known for its disobedience and direct action. They held demonstrations , broke the law to force arrests, broke windows in prominent buildings, set fires, committed arson of unoccupied houses and churches, and—when imprisoned—went on hunger strike and endured force-feeding.
  • Prison

    Like many suffragettes, Emmeline was arrested on numerous occasions over the next few years and went on hunger strike herself, resulting in violent force-feeding. In 1913, the stories reached the press, that helped them gain support for their movement.
  • First World War

    First World War
    In 1914, Emmeline turned her energies to supporting the war effort and she also visited several states to encourage the industrial mobilization of women. In 1918, the Representation of the People Act finally gave voting rights to women over 30.
  • Death

    Emmeline died on 14 June 1928, shortly after women were granted equal voting rights with men (at 21).