Emma pd 7 Religion Quiz

  • 3000 BCE

    Hinduism Part 1

    Hinduism Part 1
    1. Hinduism is primarily dominant in the Indian region of the world making up 15% of the world's population.
    2. 15%
    3. Redas
    4. Aum
  • 3000 BCE

    Hinduism Part 2

    Hinduism Part 2
    1. For Hindus, a holy location is the Ganges River a) They believe this river washes away sins
    2. They believe that there is a spirit inside them, they also believe heavily in karma
    3. One celebration is the Holi Festival
    4. The Partition of India a) This fight was between the Hindus and the Muslims and they were fighting over land, it was very violent and over 2 million people died in total
  • 1900 BCE

    Judaism Part 1

    Judaism Part 1
    1. Jerusalem
    2. 0.2%
    3. Koran
    4. Star of David
  • 1900 BCE

    Judaism Part 2

    Judaism Part 2
    1. For jews a holy location is the Western Wall in Israel a) They can go here to pray and feel safe
    2. The believe in their 10 commandments and there are 3 main branches, Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform
    3. 2 major holidays are Hanukkah and Yam Kippur
    4. The Holocaust/ World War 2 a) This was a huge event in history when Hitler and his army knocked out almost all Jews just because they didn't like them and their beliefs
  • 600 BCE

    Buddhism Part 1

    Buddhism Part 1
    1. Southeast Asia
    2. 7%
    3. Tripitaka
    4. Dharmachakra
  • 600 BCE

    Buddhism Part 2

    Buddhism Part 2
    1. For Buddhists one sacred location is Lumbin a) It is sacred because this is where their creator was born
    2. They have four noble beliefs and also heavily believe in nirvana
    3. One holiday they celebrate is Visek
    4. Rohiaya a) This took place in August of 2017 in Northern Myanmar between the Muslims and Buddhists over land
  • 30

    Christianity Part 1

    Christianity Part 1
    1. Christianity is mostly dominant in North American, Australian, Europe, and South American regions making up 32% of the world's population.
    2. 32%
    3. The Bible 4.Cross
  • 30

    Christianity part 2

    Christianity part 2
    1. For Christians a sacred location is Vatican City a) This is where the pope lives and the pope holds a lot of power in this religion
    2. Christians believe in the Holy Trinity which revolves around God the Father, Jesus the son, and the Holy spirit
    3. Christmas, Easter, Advent, Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, etc.
    4. The Crusades a) The Crusades were between the Muslims and Christians fighting over land that they believed was holy
  • 620

    Islam Part 1

    Islam Part 1
    1. West Asia and North Africa
    2. 23%
    3. Qur'an
    4. Crescent and Star
  • 620

    Islam Part 2

    Islam Part 2
    1. For Muslims a holy location is their Mosques a) They go to these to worship and pray
    2. They believe in the 5 pillars of Islam and their God Allah
    3. One holiday is Ramadan
    4. They have been in a lot of fights one being the Crusades with the Christians a) There were 8 crusades over land and the Muslims ended up winning