Decleration of Independents
The Decleration of Independance says why we seperate from Britain and principles of government. It is an important document to the U.S.A.. It is lso respected by most americans. -
Loisiana purchase
The Loisiana purchase was the purchase by Presidentn Jefferson to have control over the mississippi river and more land. The purchase cost $15,000,000 which was 828,000,00 square miles. They bought the territory from france. -
Lewis and Clark journey west
The Lewis and Clark journey was to discover the plants and animals that were on the land and to make a new and accurate map of the land. Lewis discovered 200 new plant and animal species. Saquajoea helped them through the land because she grew up there. They also faced many things during their journey. -
Donner Party
Emagrints who were going to california in a wagon train got to Sierra Navada when their trip had to be delayed to a snow storm. What made the Donner Party famous was that they got so hungry that when someone died they ate them or turned to canabolism. -
The California Gold Rush
James Marshal is the man how discovered the gold in california at fist he wanted the gold all to himself so he kept it a secret but then the word soon spread. Many prospectors from different states and countrys went to california to find the gold there. -
Fort Sumter
Fort Sumter was a federal out post that was attacked by confederate troops. Because the didn't surrender Lincoln sent supplies to defend the fort. After 34 hours Fort Sumter surrendered. -
Brown vs. Board of Education
The schools were unequal. Linda Brown had to go accross town to go to school. The court thought segration the 14th amendments garantee of "equal protection of laws". -
Darryl Strawberry
Strawberry was a American former major leuge baseball player. Darryl is one of the most featured sluggers in the game. Now he is retired from his 17-year career and s a christian minister and author. -
Death of Elvis
Elvis Presly was the ing of Rock and Roll. Elvis was 42 when he died. He died from a heart attack. -
Chloe Lukasiak
September 11, 2001
Terroristes attacked the world trade center. Terrorists also attacked the pentagon on september 11, 2001. 3,000 Americans are kiled in terrorists attacks on the U.S.A.. -
My birthday