Alliance in WWII
The Soviet Union and the U.S formed an unlikely alliance during WWII, after Adolf Hitler invaded the Soviet Union -
Yalta Conderence
Churchill, FDR, and Stalin attended this conference in the Soviet Union. They agreed on a military plan to end war. Stalin promised to allow free elections in Poland, in accordance with FDR's desire for an independent/democratic Eastern Europe. -
Germany and Berlin divided
Germany divided into zones. Americans had South, Soviets had East, and British has northwest. Stalin refused to divide because it was Soviet-held territory, thus creating refusion to compromise. -
Allies defeat Germany
Allies defeated Germany. Stalin established Soviet controlled governments in Eastern Europe, including Poland, occupied by his Red Army. -
Postdam Conference
Soviet Union, Germany, and the U.S agreed to recognize each other influence over other regions. -
East and West Europe
U.S didnt like these totalitarion governments, and post war Europe would be divided into two areas of influence, East and West. -
Atomic Bomb
Atomic bombs first testing in Almogordo, New Mexinco. It was later dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, killing thousands. Dramaticallyincreased consequences of conflict between Soviet and U.S -
Iron Curtain
Winston Churchill visited the U.S and stated "From Stettin in the Balric to Trieste in the Adriatic an iron curtain has descended across the [European] continent.. " This Soviet controlled countries in Eastern Europe ran along the Western border of Germany,Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Albania, and Bulgaria. -
Truman Doctrine
Truman announced a speech about its obligation of the U.S to "support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjuction [enslavement] by armed minorities [communists] or by outside pressures." Truman recieved $400 million to help Greece and Turkey. Both succeeded the battle. -
Marshall Plan
The U.S provided $17 billion to aid Europe for Economic Recovery. It was an effort to promote world peace and stability. When accepting, Europeans agreed to buy American goods/prodcts. -
NSC 68
Trumans National Security Councol drafted NSC 68, which was a secret document that would be a "blueprint for American policy in the Cold War." This increased U.S military spending to $50 billion a year. -
Greece and Turkey
Greece and Turkey were fighting off communist rebellions. Great Britian supported the fight, but fundings soon ran dry and Britian went to the U.S for help. -
Berlin Blockade
Soviet blocked Berlin because of U.S trying to take some type of control with currency. -
New currency for Germany
Soviets withdrew form the Allied Control Council because U.S/France/Britian created a new currency. -
U.S to the rescue of Berlin
U.S airlifted supplies to Berlin to aid West Berlin without starting a fighting conflict with the Soviets. -
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
U.S joined western nation such as Canada, France, Great Britian, Italy, and netherlands. This was called Nato for short. Its a military alliance to protect each other from Soviet aggression. -
Soviet Made Thier Own Bomb
The American Monopoly, total contol by oone group, of nucleur weapons ended when the Soviets perfected their nucleur techonology and developed their own. -
Communist Revolution in China
Mao Zedong successfully led the Communist Revolution in China, where he quickly allied with the Soviet Union, signing a mutual defense and an economic aid agreement. U.S became alarmed because U.S had been allies with China and supported them -
Berlin Reopened
Stalin reopened all the routes to Berlin. -
38th Parallel
America became alarmed because of the spread of communism in Asia after the Korean War. Korea was split by the 38th parallel into Norht Korea, supported by the Soviets, and South Korea, supported by the U.S and the United Nations. -
The Korean War
Communist North Korea invaded South Korea with arms helped by the Soviets. United Nations soon sent troops and pushed the Norther Koreans northward near the borded. U.S were pushed back South, loosing Seoul. Truman wanted limited war, afraid, while General, who got fired, called for an all-out war. -
Hydrogen Bomb
U.S tested a bomb stronger than the atomic bomb, hydrogen bomb. -
U.S and Soviet Battle of Bombs
U.S abd Soviets are now competing to build more nucleur weapons to defeat each other if war occurs. -
Korean War Ended
Korean War Ended after the firing of General MacArthur. -
Warsaw Pact
Soviet formed a military alliance with Eastern Europe nations such as Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Romania as a treaty organization. -
Hungarians Want Freedom
Hungarian citizens rioted and demanded more freedom from their communist government. They threatened to return to parliamentary democracy if not. Nikita Khrushcev, Soviet leader, rounded up Red Army tanks and executed the leaders and protesters. Hungarians sent radio pleas to U.S, but they didnt help, fearing a WWIII. -
Berlin Wall
Soviets built the Berlin Wall, which splits between East and West Berlin to prevent people from escaping to the West -
Czechoslovakia Uprising
Czechoslovakia had a similar uprising to Hungaria, people wanting more freedom.