Emerson and Ileana

  • university of georgia

    it was the first public university
  • louisville

    third capital of 1796 to 1806 was this affect goergia by outbreak malaria so capital moved to million eville
  • baptist and methodist

    baptist and methodist
    two denominations in gerorgia ths affect georgia by having more churches
  • cotton gin

    cotton gin
    separate seeds from cotton qickly this affect georgia by of they slaves
  • railroads

    first constracted in georgia is 1830s brough buussines this affect
    georgia by goods into out of the state many railroads line intersected in termiusd soon to be named atlanta
  • land lottery

    head of a family hed a right to own 200 acrest of land
  • headright system

    white male and it has to be the oldest
  • yazoo land fraund

    alabama and mississippi were once georgia's territory land