Emanuel's protests ordinance passes, but not without protest

By jwoods
  • A few protesters line up outside of City Council in anticipation of protest ordinance discussion. #citycouncil

    A few protesters line up outside of City Council in anticipation of protest ordinance discussion. #citycouncil
  • "This is what democracy looks like," say protesters on the second floor of City Council. #occupy

    "This is what democracy looks like," say protesters on the second floor of City Council. #occupy
  • Protestes gathered right outside of the City Council chambers, 2nd floor of City Hall

    Protestes gathered right outside of the City Council chambers, 2nd floor of City Hall
  • Protesters put on a skit of what Chicago could look like with strict protest regulations. #citycouncil #occupy

    Protesters put on a skit of what Chicago could look like with strict protest regulations. #citycouncil #occupy
  • Ald.Reboyras: Nothing wrong w/ new regulations on protest ordinance. In the end its about the safety of the City of Chicago.#G8#citycouncil

  • Ald Ervin commets on protest ordinance

    Ald Ervin commets on protest ordinance
  • "We can't let this bill pass," chant protesters gathered on the second floor. #citycouncil #Chicago #G8

  • City Council begins. Emanuel is present despite doubts he would join meeting. #emanuel #citycouncil

    City Council begins. Emanuel is present despite doubts he would join meeting. #emanuel #citycouncil
  • Group of protesters remain outside of City Hall despite larger gathering indoors. #citycouncil #Chicago

    Group of protesters remain outside of City Hall despite larger gathering indoors. #citycouncil #Chicago
  • Aldermen remembering Maggie Daley. Ordinance yet to be discussed. #citycouncil #emanuel #G8 #maggiedaley

  • Ald.Chandler: I'm worried. You see protests getting violent around the world- hope that doesn't happen in Chicago. #citycouncil #G8 #NATO

  • Ald. Moreno: thank you Mayor for your compromises on ordinance and working closely w/aldermen on G8 and NATO related ordinance. #emanuel#G8

  • Chanting from protesters reaches inside City Council. "Now let us in." #citycouncil #Chicago

  • Ald.Moore: no rights are absolute - they are subject to regulations. New parade ord. in fact expands 1st amendment rights not the opposite.

  • Ald. Moore: just like protesters have the right to sound amplification, ppl have the right to peace and quiet too. #citycouncil#protests#G8

  • Protesters chanting can be heard from inside the city hall! #citycouncil #protests #G8 #NATO #emanuel

  • About half a dozen protesters are allowed inside council chambers after rise in volume. #citycouncil #Chicago

  • Protester Brian Bean said he needed to get inside council chambers "so they see us when they vote." #citycouncil #Chicago

    Protester Brian Bean said he needed to get inside council chambers "so they see us when they vote." #citycouncil #Chicago
  • 3 protesters in gallery of City Hall disrupt voting process chanting: We vote no! Security escorted men out. #citycouncil #NATO #protests

    3 protesters in gallery of City Hall disrupt voting process chanting: We vote no! Security escorted men out. #citycouncil #NATO #protests
  • Emanuel's ordinance is approved in city council: 45-4. Protesters proceeded to bang on window of upstairs gallery.#citycouncil#protests#G8

  • At least one protester was taken away be security after speculation that he blocked an elevator. #citycouncil #Chicago #G8

  • Emanuel's protests ordinance passes, but not without protest.

  • News coverage post-protest