Email Timeline

  • The Invention of the Email

    The Invention of the Email
    Ray Tomlinson was a person that most people give credit to when talking about the invention of the email. He was working with ARPANET while he came up with the idea.
  • Making things easier

    Making things easier
    When people were able to list, reply, forward, and respond to messages.
  • The biggest influencer

    The biggest influencer
    Queen Elizabeth is the first head of state to send an email
  • The first spam email

    The first spam email
    The first spam email was sent by Gary Thuerk also known as "The Father of Spam".
  • Period: to

    Going Global

    In the 1980's to the 1990's is when Email on the internet became very popular. People started using it more on their own computers or public computers.
  • The first commercial made on email

    The first commercial made on email
    In the early 1980s, MCI Mail was the first commercial public email service to use the Internet.
  • Microsoft's Release

    Microsoft's Release
    Microsoft released its first commercially available email product, MSMail
  • The first Email from space

    The first Email from space
    The first email to be sent from space was transmitted from the space shuttle Atlantis by Shannon Lucid and James C. Adamson.