ELT Education timetable

  • Period: 1500 to

    Grammar Translation Method

    Grammar Translation Method can be traced as far back as 1500's in which it was used to teach people latin which was the lingua franca at the time. It was codified in 1800's. While it still sees some use, most consider the technique to be antiquated. It works by first teaching the students grammar rules and then having them translate sentences.
  • Period: to


    Often credited to Titchener the teaching method of structuralism. As the name implies, this teaching method chooses to focus on grammatical structure of English and primarily aims to teach proper reading skills as well as proper grammatical structure.
  • Founding of Internaltional Phonetic Organization

    International Phonetic Organization being established served as an uniting basis for many teachers who were working on teaching phonetics.
  • Period: to

    Direct Method

    Direct method which is also known under the names of ‘oral method‘ and ‘natura‘ method', came on as an alternative to Grammar Translation Method. Rather than direct translation, Direct Method focuses on building up connections between two languages via experience as opposed to memorization.
  • Period: to

    Audio-lingual Method

    The Audio-lingual Method which is also referred to as army method due to how it came to teaches a language by having the students repeat/imitate the recurring patterns/dialogues of regular situations repeatedly. It was especially prominent between 1950's and 1960's
  • Quizlet

    While Quizlet is not exclusive to ELT, it carries various mechanics particularly useful for Grammar Translation Method via mixing words together and asking the user to guess their meanings.
  • Period: to


    Duolingo is the current most prominent language learning online software and has served as inspiration for many such softwares, furthermore it relies on gamification and displays how much online mechanics can help engage people