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Elon Musk

  • 12 year old Elon makes his first video game(23)

    12 year old Elon makes his first video game(23)
    Elon was first introduced to the public in 1984 at 12 years old, when he created his first video game.
  • Elon Musk moves to Canada(45)

    Elon Musk moves to Canada(45)
    Musk didn't waste anytime trying to leave South Africa, as soon as he got the plane tickets he was gone without hesitation.
  • Musk went to school at Queens University(51)

    Musk went to school at Queens University(51)
    Musk went to school at Queens University for 2 years to pursue his love for physics.
  • Elon transferred to University of Pennsylvania(51)

    Elon transferred to University of Pennsylvania(51)
    Musk transferred to the University of Pennsylvania on a full scholarship to help him get into an ivy league school.
  • Elon first pitched the idea of an electric car(149)

    Elon first pitched the idea of an electric car(149)
    Elon had been thinking of the idea for years but never did anything until someone approached him about it and all he had to do was invest.
  • Zip2 was created(61)

    Zip2 was created(61)
    Musk created his first company with his brother. This company built and programmed GPS.
  • was created(78) was created(78)
    PayPal was created because Musk wanted people to see how online banking would work and he wanted it to be a consumer friendly online bank.
  • Musk realizes he can build a rocket to save costs(107)

    Musk realizes he can build a rocket to save costs(107)
    This moment changed the course of SpaceX forever because at this moment they no longer had to buy a bunch of rockets for high prices, they could just build one to their specifications.
  • Musk first makes plans to build the Falcon 1(130)

    Musk first makes plans to build the Falcon 1(130)
    The Falcon 1 was the first rocket that Musk wanted to build and could follow through with.
  • The Tesla was chosen and the company was born(152)

    The Tesla was chosen and the company was born(152)
    Although Musk wasn't apart of the founding of the company, this was a major part in the course of his life. This company is maybe the first company you think of when someone says "Elon Musk".
  • Elon Musk joined Tesla motors(154)

    Elon Musk joined Tesla motors(154)
    Finally after being approached to invest in the company Musk joined the company and became the biggest share holder after his investment.
  • SpaceX was ready to start testing their rocket(135)

    SpaceX was ready to start testing their rocket(135)
    The SpaceX company was finally ready to start testing their rockets meaning that they had come through with their plans and actually made their own rocket.
  • Tesla first announced the Roadster(161)

    Tesla first announced the Roadster(161)
    This marked the first vehicle ever made by the Tesla company, although it had every part of a lotus it was just an electric motor.
  • The Falcon 1 first test launch ended in a firey crash(139)

    The Falcon 1 first test launch ended in a firey crash(139)
    This test meant it was back to the drawing boards. Although they finally built the rocket they din't yet prefect the rocket.
  • Musk took over as CEO of Tesla(171)

    Musk took over as CEO of Tesla(171)
    At this moment it is safe to say that the Tesla company and maybe the car market in general changed forever. Musk wanted family 4 door sedans and could now finally build them.
  • Falcon 1 completed the first stage of testing but failed the second stage(142)

    Falcon 1 completed the first stage of testing but failed the second stage(142)
    After years of waiting and testing and building the SpaceX rocket finally had a positive first test. This marked the first time the rocket didn't crash on the first part of the test.